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dc.contributor.authorОлініченко, Катерина Сергіївна-
dc.identifier.citationОлініченко К.С. Шляхи збільшення реалізації продукції засобами маркетингової логістики. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2017. Вип. 1(25). С. 233-245.-
dc.description.abstractДосліджено стан кондитерської галузі України, тенденції виробництва та збуту продукції кондитерської фабрики «Солодкий світ». Проаналізовано стан та тенденції розвитку інтернет-торгівлі та поведінки покупців солодощів країн Азіатсько-Тихоокеанського регіону: Китаю, Індонезії, Індії, Таїланду, Південної Кореї і В’єтнаму. Розроблено схему просування кондитерської продукції підприємства «Солодкий світ» на ринки Азії.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe state of the confectionery industry of Ukraine was investigated. It was found out that the industry is at the level of the so-called break-even point. The industry is facing the threat of bankruptcy and the closure of a number of enterprises, due to the objective loss of certain traditional external markets such as Russia, the government’s delay in dealing with acute issues of deregulation, demonopolization, access to credit, currency regulation. The tendency of appreciable expansion of assortment of bar chocolate (by means of porous and high-quality thin chocolate), chocolate sweets (due to the development of praline fillings), chocolate bars (especially those of waffle group) is revealed; Rolls, biscuits (including sponge biscuit), glazed cookies and biscuits with filling. The tendencies of production and marketing of the products of the confectionary factory "Sweet World" were considered. It was found out what a sales monetary indicator growth is, but at the same time the quantitative sales indicator of the LLC "Sweet World" products is decreasing. The analysis of production capacities indicates the possibility of producing high-quality goods that can easily compete internationally. Based on this data, it was concluded that the company should expand the borders of trade to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region: China, Indonesia, India, Thailand, South Korea and Vietnam. The state and tenden cies of Internet trade development and buyers of sweets in the countries of the Asian-Pacific region were analyzed. The promotion of the LLC "Sweet World" products is offered through Marketplace Marketing, i.e. international electronic trading platforms: alibaba, asiansources, ectrade, ebay, amazon, aliexpress and taobao. The analysis of purchasing power in different countries of Asia was made. The average cost of delivery of a confectionery products one-kilogram package of LLC "Sweet World" in the countries of Asia with the help of various intermediary carriers was calculated. The optimum variant of production delivery to the Asian consumers was offered. A general scheme and method for promoting confectionery products of the "Sweet World" company to the markets of Asia was developed.-
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectканали збуту-
dc.subjectканалы сбыта-
dc.subjectmarketing channels-
dc.titleШляхи збільшення реалізації продукції засобами маркетингової логістикиuk_UA
dc.titleWays to increase sales of products by means of marketing logistics-
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (25)

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