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Title: Управління закладами охорони здоров’я в сучасних умовах: теоретичний аспект
Other Titles: Management of health care institutions in modern conditions: theoretical aspect
Управление учреждениями здравоохранения в современных условиях: теоретический аспект
Authors: Данько, В.В.
Keywords: управління підприємством, заклади охорони здоров’я, механізми управління, здоров’я громадян, інноваційні технології, ефективність управління, наукові підходи в управлінні, медичні послуги.;enterprise management, health care institutions, management mechanisms, citizens' health, innovative technologies, management efficiency, scientific approaches in management, medical services.;управление предприятием, учреждения здравоохранения, механизмы управления, здоровья граждан, инновационные технологии, эффективность управления, научные подходы в управлении, медицинские услуги.
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Харків: Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В.В. Докучаєва
Citation: Данько В.В. Управління закладами охорони здоров’я в сучасних умовах: теоретичний аспект. 2017. № 4. С. 225 -233
Series/Report no.: Економічні науки;№ 4
Abstract: У статті досліджено теоретичні аспекти управління закладами охорони здоров’я, проаналізовано досвід вітчизняних та зарубіжних науковців з даної проблематики. Запропоновано механізм управління закладами охорони здоров’я в сучасних умовах з використанням інноваційних технологій.
The article investigates the theoretical aspects of the management of medical institutions in the current conditions of the transformation of services markets, which requires the revision of key principles of economic theory and the definition of qualitatively new approaches to enterprise management. The research was carried out on the basis of the theoretical and methodological achievements of native and foreign scientists on the management of enterprises, the fundamental provisions of economic theory, the theory of management, etc. The research has analyzed the experience of native and foreign scholars on this issue. The specific features of medical services that determine the distinctive characteristics of the mechanism of management of health care institutions under the conditions of innovative development are revealed. Based on the analysis of existing models of enterprise management, the definition of functions, principles, methods, management tools, as well as specific features of the functioning of health facilities in the conditions of innovative development and features of the provision of medical services, formulated the mechanism of management of health care institutions in the conditions of innovation development based on the model of effective management of the health care institution taking into account the world determinants of management of health care institutions by means of separation of subordinate links between its components, which allows to increase the efficiency of management and ensure the competitiveness of the institution. Article reveals the reasons of divergence of views on the consumer properties of medical services in the representation of their producers and consumers and the imbalance that they cause in the Ukrainian medical services market. The author's vision of the concept of "healthcare" is formed, which is a complex, multilevel system that is a key branch of the social component of society and requires constant regulation and a systematic approach to raising its efficiency. The system of classification of health care institutions of Ukraine has been improved, which combines the classification features in a comprehensive manner. The mechanism of management of health care institutions in modern conditions with the use of innovative technologies is proposed, which is based on the dual nature of the relationship between the tasks of economic management (which details the content of its purpose) and the tools, which provide the solution of problems, is established.
В статье исследованы теоретические аспекты управления учреждениями здравоохранения, проанализирован опыт отечественных и зарубежных ученых по данной проблематике. Предложен механизм управления учреждениями здравоохранения в современных условиях с использованием инновационных технологий.
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія "Економічні науки" № 4

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