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Title: | Історичні аспекти та особливості проведення технічної інвентаризації об'єктів нерухомого майна |
Other Titles: | Historical aspects and peculiarities of performance of technical inventory for real estate objects. Исторические аспекты и особенности проведения технической инвентаризации объектов недвижимого имущества |
Authors: | Нестеренко, Г.Б. |
Keywords: | історія розвитку технічної інвентаризації об'єктів нерухомості, технічна інвентаризація об'єктів нерухомості, інвентаризаційна справа, місцеве самоврядування, бюро технічної інвентаризації.;history of development of technical inventory of real estate objects, technical inventory of real estate objects, inventory activity, local authorities.;история развития технической инвентаризации объектов не-движимости, техническая инвентаризация объектов недвижимости, инвентаризацион-ное дело, местное самоуправление, бюро технической инвентаризации. |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Publisher: | Харків: ХНАУ ім. В.В. Докучаєва |
Citation: | Нестеренко Г.Б. Історичні аспекти та особливості проведення технічної інвентаризації об'єктів нерухомого майна. 2017. № 4. С. 123 - 132 |
Series/Report no.: | Економічні науки;№ 4 |
Abstract: | Стаття присвячена дослідженню історії розвитку технічної інвентаризації об'єктів нерухомості в Україні, її нормативно-правової бази, процесуальному порядку і особливостей проведення в умовах сьогодення. Нинішні проблеми на ринку робіт з технічної інвентаризації зумовлені законодавчими змінами, які протягом 2012 року відбулися в системі органів державної реєстрації прав на нерухоме майно та учасників ринку робіт з технічної інвентаризації і полягають у відсутності, зокрема, порядку формування та ведення єдиної інвентаризаційної справи на кожен об'єкт нерухомого майна. Зазначені проблемні питання можливо вирішити після доопрацювання і прийняття Закону України «Про технічну інвентаризацію об'єктів нерухомого майна». The aim of the research is to study the history of technical inventory of real estate objects in Ukraine, its regulatory base, procedure, and to specify peculiarities of performance of technical inventory for real estate objects. Currently, Instruction about the order of technical inventory performance is the only regulatory document for technical inventory for reals estate objects in Ukraine, which clearly defines that there is inventory property files and primary inventory for each object of real estate. Present problems at the market of technical inventory works are forced by legislative changes, which happened in 2012 in the system of authorities of state registration of rights for real estate and participants at the market of technical inventory works. The problems include absence of an order of formation and maintenance of technical inventory activity for each object of real estate, which has to secure fulfillment of the third abstract of the chapter 11 of the Instruction about the order of performance of technical inventory for real estate object, in particular, the material should be concentrated in one property inventory file (there should not be parallel files). Property inventory files are a set of materials of technical inventory, which characterize an object of real estate and make base for registration of documents of title for the real estate object. The materials are owned by local self-government and, according to the article 142 of the Constitution, belong to the material base of local self government. Moreover, the article 30 of the Law of Ukraine “On local self-government” definitely says that the very authorities of self-government have the power to record and perform technical inventory for real estate objects of all kinds of ownership. Finally, transfer of the materials of technical inventory to justice agencies contradicts to the European Charter of Local Self-Government, ratified by Ukraine in 1997, because, in that case, the pow-er of local self-government is consequently reduced, while the Charter expects transition of great powers to the local authorities. Until 2012, technical inventory for real estate objects had been performed by one Technical Inventory Bureau on a certain territory and it performed the function of registration of real estate objects. Thus, until 2012, all materials of property inventory files for each real estate object of a certain territorial unit had been kept at one TIB, which also made records of the real estate objects, located on the territory. In 2013, extension of the number of participants at the market of technical inventory works resulted in appearance of new participants of the market (private structures), having no access to the property inventory files, earlier done by the TIB. They made customized works and formed new property inventory files for the objects, which had been already subjected to inventory. The described conditions caused the situation when there were several property inventory files for one object of real estate at several business entities. The fact deteriorates the point 1.5 of the chapter 1 of the Instruction and causes negative consequences for consumers of such services. Practically, it forced the situation when the person, who requested technical inventory, could personally choose who had to perform the work, but he/she faced the difficulties concerning administrative service of state registration of property rights for the real estate object, because a communal TIB refused to supply a certificate about presence or absence registered property right due to the fact that the works of technical inventory had not been performed by the Bureau, but by a private structure. The described problems can be solved by modification and approval of the Law of Ukraine “On technical inventory for real estate objects”, which regulates: order of the access for the business entities, performing technical inventory, to the materials of technical inventory and property inventory files for a real estate object, supplying liquidation of double property inventory files for one object of real estate, as well as renovation and accumulation of the materials of technical inventory in one property inventory file; • order of maintenance of archive materials of technical inventory and property inventory files with the further determination of a body, responsible for formation and maintenance of the archive, as well as terms of transfer of the materials and files to the archive; • order of the access and exchange of information between performers of technical inventory and the authorities of state registration of rights, which is necessary for the last ones in order to perform their duties of administrative service supply. Статья посвящена исследованию истории развития технической инвентаризации объектов недвижимости в Украине, ее нормативно-правовой базы, процессуального порядка и особенностей проведения в современных условиях. Существование проблем на рынке работ по технической инвентаризации обусловлено законодательными изменениями, которые в течение 2012 года произошли в системе органов государственной регистрации прав на недвижимое имущество и участников рынка работ по технической инвентаризации и заключаются в отсутствии, в частности, порядка формирования и ведения единого инвентаризационного дела на каждый объект недвижимого имущества. Указанные проблемные вопросы возможно решить путем доработки и принятия Закона Украины «О технической инвентаризации объектов недвижимого имущества». |
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Appears in Collections: | Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія "Економічні науки" № 4 |
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