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dc.contributor.authorЧорна, Марина Віталіївна-
dc.contributor.authorСмольнякова, Наталія Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorВолосов, Анатолій Михайлович-
dc.identifier.citationЧорна М.В., Смольнякова Н.М., Волосов А.М. Методичний інструментарій оцінки конкурентних переваг нової продукції. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2017. Вип. 1(25). С. 149-158.-
dc.description.abstractОбґрунтовано застосування комплексного показника конкурентоспроможності для оцінки конкурентних переваг нової продукції. Виявлено групи, які є конкурентами нової продукції. Удосконалено методику оцінки конкурентних переваг продукції за рахунок визначення показників, що характеризують основні якісні та економічні параметри нових напоїв, і шкалу оцінювання. Здійснено оцінку конкурентних переваг та конкурентоспроможності напоїв функціонального призначення з дігідрокверцитином із застосуванням методу експертних оцінок.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractPre-condition of launching new products to the market is the determination of potential of their realization and estimation of competitive edges as compared to the commodities of the analogical functional setting. The use of such complex description of competitive edges presence as products’ competitiveness is grounded. Competitive edges and competitiveness of new drinks with catechyn hydrate are estimated based on a multistage approach. The following stages are selected: the market of soft and power drinks analysis; advantageous listing of drinks’ competitive characteristics; ground of the estimation scale and accordance within the framework of each of competitive descriptions; forming the group of experts; estimation of ponderability of competitive descriptions of drinks; ball estimation of drinks-competitors; forming of complex index of competitiveness of drinkscompetitors. The result of the first stage was the allocation of groups of drinkscompetitors. Energy caffeinated, energy glucose-containing, sweet water and juicecontaining beverages, mineral waters for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes are defined as competitors. For the adaptation of the existent methods of estimating competitiveness with the account of the features of drinks on the second stage, their high-quality characteristics are defined. Such descriptions as uniqueness, naturalness, term of storage, use in for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes aims, absence of negative side effects, duration of the declared positive effects, maintenance of caffeine, cost of purchase, circle of users are chosen as indexes of competitive edges’ estimation and competitiveness of drinks. For quantitative measuring of high-quality characteristics of drinks, a grading scale of estimation is developed, that is the result of the third stage. The method of expert estimations is used for calculations. On the fourth stage, a group of experts is formed taking into account the requirements to the results reliability, and ranging of the chosen characteristics is made. The fifth stage is devoted to the estimation of ponderability of competitive descriptions of drinks. On the sixth stage, the estimation of drinks’ competitive edges is made based on the grading scale. The calculation of complex index of drinks competitiveness with the account of every characteristics ponderability is the result of the seventh stage. Based on the calculations, the authors made the conclusion concerning the ponderable competitive edges of new drinks as compared to commoditiescompetitors that is confirmed by the highest value of competitiveness index. The expediency of introducing new functional drinks to the market taking into account their competitive advantages and implementation potential is substantiated. The need to improve methodological tools for assessing competitive advantages relative to a particular product is confirmed.-
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectконкурентні переваги-
dc.subjectфункціональні напої-
dc.subjectконкурентные преимущества-
dc.subjectфункциональные напитки-
dc.subjectcompetitive advantages-
dc.subjectfunctional drinks-
dc.titleМетодичний інструментарій оцінки конкурентних переваг нової продукціїuk_UA
dc.titleMethodical tools for assessing the competitive advantages of the new products-
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (25)

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