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dc.contributor.authorПавлунько, В. Г.-
dc.contributor.authorОмельяненко, М. М.-
dc.contributor.authorГаркуша, С. Є.-
dc.contributor.authorКлименко, Д. М.-
dc.identifier.citationГістологічні зміни у собак за гострого отруєння ізоніазидом. В. Г. Павлунько, М. М. Омельяненко, С. Є. Гаркуша, Д. М. Клименко. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 136-139.
dc.description.abstractВ статті представлені результати гістологічних змін у собак за гострого отруєння ізоніазидом. При виконанні роботи застосовані патолого-анатомічний та гістологічний методи досліджень. Патолого-анатомічний розтин трупів собак виконували методом часткової евісцерації. Гістологічні дослідження проводили за загальноприйнятими методами.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractCurrently, the incidence of poisoning in both homeless and domestic animals has increased dramatically. Lures containing toxic substances for animals are scattered in parks and courtyards by persons who call themselves fighters against stray animals. Also cases of poisoning of guard dogs guarding a house in the private sector for the purpose of further robbery have become more frequent. And although the animals are specially trained, they are also amenable to the lures of fraudsters. Most of the reported cases of poisoning is isoniazid (Tubazid) poisoning. This is reported in the newspapers and spoken on television. This drug is available without a prescription and is quite cheap, which makes it more accessible for inappropriate use in the preparation of poisonous baits. Isoniazid is not dangerous for humans, and for dogs it is very harmful, as it has a strong toxic effect on the entire body of the animal. Poisoning cats are also found, but extremely rare. They tolerate the toxic effect of the drug more easily, because they need a higher concentration of isoniazid in the blood than dogs. In addition, dogs are less capricious and picky about food, and pick up food on the street, which also increases the risk of poisoning. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Isoniazid is included in the list of the ten most dangerous drugs for pets due to its strong toxic effect on dogs. The overwhelming majority of publications on isoniazid poisoning in dogs are devoted to clinical diagnosis, treatment and prevention, and histological changes are described incompletely and superficially, but they are an important step in the evaluation of the toxic effect of isoniazid. The aim of our work was to accurately and in detail describe and study histological changes in dogs who died in acute isoniazid poisoning. The work was performed on the basis of the pathomorphological department of the State Research Institute for Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise and the Department of anatomy, histology and pathological morphology of animals named V. Kasianenko of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The material for research was the corpses of three stray dogs who died suddenly. When performing work applied pathological and histological methods of research. Postmortem autopsies of dogs were performed by partial evisceration. Histological studies were conducted by standard methods. As a result of the research, it was found that acute poisoning with isoniazid is characterized by desquamation of the stomach epithelium, venous hyperemia of the liver, atrophy and necrosis of the epithelium of the renal tubules, edema of the lungs, fragmentation and fatty myocardial dystrophy, hyperemia and cerebral edema.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 2;-
dc.subjectпатолого-анатомічний розтинuk_UA
dc.subjectгістологічні дослідженняuk_UA
dc.subjectpathologoanatomical autopsyuk_UA
dc.subjecthistological studiesuk_UA
dc.titleГістологічні зміни у собак за гострого отруєння ізоніазидомuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeHistological changes in dogs with acute poisoning with isoniaziduk_UA
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