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Title: Порівняльна ефективність акарицидів за демодекозу собак
Other Titles: Comparative effectiveness of acaricides at canine dеmodecosis
Authors: Пономаренко, В. Я.
Федорова, О. В.
Пономаренко, А. М.
Keywords: собаки;демодекоз;Бравекто®;НексГард Спектра®;Адвокат®;Амітразин-плюс;dogs;demodecosis;Bravecto®;NexGard Spectra®;Advocate®;Amitrasin plus
Issue Date: 21-Dec-2018
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Пономаренко В. Я., Федорова О. В., Пономаренко А. М. Порівняльна ефективність акарицидів за демодекозу собак. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 119-122.
Series/Report no.: № 2;
Abstract: У порівняльному аспекті вивчено ефективність препаратів Бравекто®, НексГард Спектра®, Адвокат® та Амітразин-плюс при лікуванні собак, хворих на демодекоз.
The efficacy of the drugs Bravecto®, NexGard Spectra®, Advocate® and Amitrasin Plus to treat dogs having demodecosis have been studied in the comparative aspect. The aim of the work was to determine the efficacy of modern acaricidic drugs made on the basis of afoxalaner and fluralaner at different forms of the course of canine demodecosis by the comparative evaluation with the drugs that contain other active substances. The dogs with local form of demodecosis and low degree of skin invasion were divided into two experimental groups: group 1 and group 2. The dogs of group 1 were treated by Amitrasin plus that was put with the help of the saturated cotton disc, covering the area of the affected skin not less than 1 cm around it. Seven curative treatments were made (once a day, the period of treatment lasted 7 days). The dogs of group 2 were given the drug NexGard Spectra® at the dose of 2,5 mg afoxalaner and 0,5 mg milbemycin oxime per 1kg of body weight twice with the interval of 1 month. At the same time the dogs were injected Katosal at the dose of 1,0 ml once a day for 5 days. The dogs having more severe form of the disease - the generalized form of demodecosis were placed in the experimental groups 3 and 4. To treat the dogs of group 3 the tablets Bravecto® were used once at the dose of 25 mg of fluralaner/kg of body weight. The drug Advocate® was used to treat the dogs of group 4 three times with the interval of 28 days at the dose of 10 mg of imidakloprid / kg and 2,5 mg of moxidectin / kg of body weight. The affected areas of skin in the dogs of groups 3 and 4 were treated by novertin ointment twice a week for three weeks. Before the beginning of the treatment the acaroscopic investigation was carried out for 12 weeks with the interval of 28 days. When treating the localized form of demodecosis in the dogs the use of the tablets NexGard Spectra® twice was the most effective (93,3% - on the 28th day and 100% - on the 56th day). The seven – time treatments by Amitrasin-Plus were less effective (on the 28th day – 75%, on the 56 day – 83,3%). When treating the generalized form of demodecosis in the dogs the use of the drug Bravecto® in tablets and the drops spot on Advocate in the combination with the exterior treatments by novertin ointment was of high curative efficacy. It was 91,6 / 100% and 83,3% / 100% on the 28th day and on the 56th day from the beginning of the experiment, respectively. The results of the investigation have shown that it is necessary to use antimicrobial drugs when treating dogs having the generalized form of demodecosis. Taking into consideration the results of the experiment we think that it is expedient to choose the drugs in spite of the price allowing for the effectiveness of the active substance to treat dogs having demodecosis, in spite of the form of the invasion course.
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