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Title: Судова експертиза сиру кисломолочного за матеріалами кримінального провадження
Other Titles: Forensic inspection of soul-milk cheese on materials criminal proceedings
Authors: Яценко, І. В.
Keywords: сир кисломолочний;жир рослинного походження;фальсифікація;судова експертиза;дитяче харчування;sour-milk cheese;vegetable oils;falsification;forensic inspection;baby food
Issue Date: 21-Dec-2018
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Яценко І. В. Судова експертиза сиру кисломолочного за матеріалами кримінального провадження. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 109-115.
Series/Report no.: № 2;
Abstract: У статті детально проаналізовано матеріали досудового розслідування кримінального провадження та матеріали судової експертизи сиру кисломолочного за фактом постачання цього фальсифікованого продукту до бюджетних закладів освіти. Розроблено алгоритм проведення судових експертиз сиру кисломолочного.
The materials of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings and materials of forensic inspection of sour-milk cheese on the fact of supplying this counterfeit product to budget educational institutions have been used in the article. The algorithm to conduct forensic inspections of soul-milk cheese has been developed, it includes: transferring to the investigator expert materials of the case and material evidence, the inspection by the expert of documents (materials of the case), the determination of the normative basis regulating the indicators of safety and quality of the cheese and its turnover, the research of labeling elements of the product, the laboratory research of the products, the analysis of the results of the laboratory research of sour-milk cheese, the preparation of the conclusion of the inspection. The samples of sour-milk cheese, investigated during the forensic inspection, can not be identified as sour milk cheese, because they did not meet the requirements of State Standard 4554: 2006 "Sour-milk cheese. Specifications" due to the content of non-recipe components and lower titrated acidity of the product. This may be due to the addition of vegetable oils in the process of its production or any other inhibitors that suppress the livelihoods of lactic acid bacteria in the product (antibiotics, disinfectants, etc.) and prevent its peroxidation during storage, and accordingly, extend the term of implementation; or the production of sour-milk cheese was made from raw materials that were not of dairy origin. In this regard, the samples of the above products should be considered falsified. Consequences for human health that can be caused by the consumption of the products – fatty mixtures depend on many factors, including microbial contamination of the fatty mixture, the presence of antibiotics, pesticides, heavy metals, radionuclides, and other xenobiotics (these indicators were not indicated by the expert analyzed), indicators of safety and quality of milk and non-dairy raw materials (for example, the type of vegetable oils) from which the fatty mixture is made, the health of people who use such fatty mixtures for a long period of time, etc. The consumption of sour-milk cheese that does not meet the requirements of the national standards for this product can lead to cardiovascular and cancer diseases, ovulation infertility, Alzheimer's disease, etc. (due to the high level of trans-isomers) and also the food poisoning.
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