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dc.contributor.authorКремпа, Н. Ю.-
dc.contributor.authorКозенко, О. В.-
dc.identifier.citationКремпа Н. Ю., Козенко О. В. Вплив технології утримання на морфологічні, біохімічні та імунологічні показники крові поросят в період відлучення. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 87-92.
dc.description.abstractАналіз отриманих результатів досліджень вказує на позитивний вплив однофазного способу утримання поросят, порівняно з трьохфазним. Встановлено, що у поросят з господарства Золочівського району, де застосовується однофазний спосіб утримання, попри дещо меншу кількість еритроцитів, порівняно з тваринами-аналогами з іншого господарства, відмічено більшу на 5,13 г/л концентрацію гемоглобіну, вищий на 9,62% показник гематокритної величини та на 9,97 пг кольоровий показник. Аналогічна тенденція прослідковується і при визначенні вмісту загального білка та його фракцій. Також вищою була іконцентрації церулоплазміну на 1,03 мкмоль/л. Стосовно імунологічних показників, то суттєвих відмінностей не встановлено, їх рівень знаходився в межах фізіологічної норми, ближче нижньої її межі.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe analysis of the results of the hematological parameters of piglets blood indicates the positive effect of the single-phase method of their maintenance, compared with the three-phase. It was established that piglets from the farm of Zolochiv district, where one-phase method of retention is used, despite a somewhat smaller number of erythrocytes, compared with animal-analogues from another farm, where practicing a three-phase method, hemoglobin concentration was higher at 5.13 g/l and the hematocrit value was higher at 9.62% (P <0.001). Regarding the indices of red blood, the animals from the farm of this area, was marked high values of the color index, whereas at the farm of the Staryj Sambir district this indicator was almost 10 pg smaller and amounted respectively to 35.57 pg. There is a large difference in the indices of red blood cells. In animals from the farm of the Staryj Sambir district, this figure was 62.29 μm3, and in animals from Zolochiv district it increased by 21.64 μm3. A similar trend was observed regarding the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation. Thus, the difference between the indices in 45 minutes was 1.2 mm, and the reaction in animals from the farm of the Staryj Sambir district was slower (P <0.05). 24 years after the start of the reaction, the difference between the indices significantly increased to 38.73 mm. According to the piglets from the farm of Zolochiv district, this indicator was 52.18 mm, and piglets from the farm of the Staryj Sambir region to 13.45 mm (P <0.001). Analyzing the indices of the total protein in piglets blood from farms, with different technology of their cultivation, It should be noted that its higher content was set in the blood of piglets from the Zolochiv farm of - 58,01 g/l, and in the blood of animals from the farm of the Staryj Sambir region it was by 0,14 g/l less and was 57,87 g/l. In the case of protein fractions, the Albumin fraction in piglets of the Staryj Sambir region was 24.33%, and globulin 75.67%, and in turn, in the piglets from the Zolochiv region, the proportion of the albumin fraction was 18.54% and the globulin 81.46%. The difference between the groups in the content of α-globulins was 7.73%, in favor of the piglets from the farm of the Zolochiv district. The highest level of β-globulins was in the plasma of blood of piglets from the farm of the Staryj Sambir district - 29.65%, whereas in the Zolochiv district piglets they were almost 10% less (P <0.05). The proteins of the γ-globulin fraction of Zolochiv piglets were 8.69% higher than at peers from the Staryj Sambir district. The content of immunoglobulin piglets in the blood ranged from 0.03 to 0.05 units, and in piglets of the Zolochiv region it was higher by 0.02 units (P <0.01). The concentration of ceruloplasmin was higher in the blood of piglets in the Zolochiv region - 3.15 μmol/l, and in animals from the farm of the Staryj Sambir region at 1.03 μmol/l less and respectively 2.12 μmol/l (P <0.02). Regarding immunological parameters, no significant differences were noted, the difference between the indicators was not even close to 1%.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 2;-
dc.subjectвідлучені поросятаuk_UA
dc.subjectтехнологія утриманняuk_UA
dc.subjectweaned pigletsuk_UA
dc.subjecttechnology of retentionuk_UA
dc.titleВплив технології утримання на морфологічні, біохімічні та імунологічні показники крові поросят в період відлученняuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeInfluence of technology of retention on morphological, biocomical and immunological blood indicators determined in the period of weaninguk_UA
Appears in Collections:№2

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