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dc.contributor.authorДенисова, О. М.-
dc.contributor.authorЯкименко, Т. І.-
dc.contributor.authorВащенко, В. В.-
dc.contributor.authorЖегунов, Г. Ф.-
dc.contributor.authorПриходченко, В. О.-
dc.contributor.authorГладка, Н. І.-
dc.identifier.citationСучасні уявлення про методи кріоконсервування еритроцитів тварин. О. М. Денисова, Т. І. Якименко, В. В. Ващенко, Г. Ф. Жегунов, В. О. Приходченко, Н. І. Гладка. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 65-69.
dc.description.abstractКріоконсервування еритроцитів тварин дозволяє зберігати та отримувати якісні клітини для використання в ветеринарній практиці. В статті представлено огляд літератури стосовно кріопошкоджень при низькотемпературному впливі, кріопротекторів, які використовуються при зберіганні клітин у рідкому азоті, а також існуючим методам кріоконсервування.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractNowadays, the method of blood transfusion is often used in veterinary practice. Hypothermic storage allows to save blood cells for a limited time, while morphofunctional parameters are getting worse. Cryopreservation allows to save and receive high-quality cells for the use in veterinary practice. Therefore, the development of reserves of donor blood is possible with long-term preservation in the frozen state. The use of cryopreservation makes it possible to avoid a number of problems: finding a donor at the right time for transfusion, the cost of maintaining the donor, etc. These days high therapeutic efficacy of using cryopreserved red blood cells was confirmed in intensive therapy and hematological diseases. The survival of biological objects under cryopreservation conditions is due to the ability of cells to withstand a complex of negative factors, including: the formation of crystals, an increase in the concentration of salts and osmotic pressure, dehydration of macromolecules and phase transitions of membrane lipids. Fundamental studies of physicochemical processes in cell suspensions under cooling and freezing conditions revealed important patterns that determine the basic principles of damage and protection of biological objects. The safety of cells under the influence of factors of low-temperature exposure is ensured by the use of special agents - cryoprotectants. Cryoprotective agents belong to different classes of organic compounds and are able to protect cells according to endo-and exocellular principle. However, the high efficiency of cryopreservation of red blood cells is achieved mainly by using endocellular compounds which must be removed after thawing from cell suspensions in order to maintain osmotic stability of cells under physiological conditions. Alternative to this may be cell-free cell cryopreservation methods developed on the basis of exocellular cryoprotectants. It should be noted that the cryoprotective properties of different compounds selectively manifest themselves depending on the type of cells. Biological preservation of erythrocytes for the use in veterinary practice is based on technologies for achieving biological stability and, accordingly, preserving a viable state after prolonged storage. This article reviews the mechanisms of cryodamage of erythrocytes, the cryoprotectants used in cryopreservation, as well as the existing low temperature storage methods.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 2;-
dc.subjectеритроцити тваринuk_UA
dc.subjectred blood cells of animalsuk_UA
dc.titleСучасні уявлення про методи кріоконсервування еритроцитів тваринuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe methods of cryopreservation of red blood cells of animaluk_UA
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