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dc.contributor.authorКот, Т. Ф.-
dc.contributor.authorГуральська, С. В.-
dc.contributor.authorСокульський, І. М.-
dc.contributor.authorЗаїка, С. С.-
dc.contributor.authorХоменко, З. В.-
dc.identifier.citationМікроскопічна будова і стереометричні показники яєчників у теличок, вирощених на радіоактивно забрудненій території. Т. Ф. Кот, С. В. Гуральська, І. М. Сокульський, С. С. Заїка, З. В. Хоменко. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 53-55.
dc.description.abstractДосліджено мікроскопічну будову і стереометричні показники яєчників статевонезрілих теличок чорно-рябої породи, вирощених на радіоактивно забрудненій території.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe thesis presents a research of the morphological condition of ovaries of heifers of the black-and-spotted bred of 4 months of age kept on radioactive-contaminated territory. The research has been conducted on the basis of morphological laboratory of anatomy and histology departments of the Zhytomyr National Agroecological University (Zhytomyr, Ukraine). Microscopic, stereometric and statistic methods of research have been applied. The peculiarities of histoarchitectonic and stereometric indices of the microstructures (corticaly and medullary substances, pre-modial, primary, secondary and tertiary follicles, corpus atretic) of the ovaries lited. Microscopic structure of the ovaries in heifers from the radionuclide contaminated territory and heifers from conditionally clean, not radionuclide contaminated territory are largely similar. Histological studies have established that the ovaries of heifers on cross-section has a corticaly and medullary substances. The absolute volume of the corticaly substance of the ovaries significantly (p<0.05) increases from 2.90±0.23 sm3 – in heifers from not radionuclide contaminated territory to 4.10±0.32 sm3 – in heifers from radionuclide contaminated territory. The corticaly substance of ovaries represented by loose fibrous connective tissue. In all parts of the corticaly substance it contains pre-modial, primary, secondary and tertiary follicles. Stereometric indexes of microstructures of the follicles is labile indicators and are closely associated with the functional activity of follicles. Follicular atresia proceeds in obliteration type. The process is initiated by multiplication of the blood vessels of the theca follicles and atrophy of the follicular epithelium with simultaneous absorption of the content of the follicles. Nests of epithelioid cells remain in the ovaries as the remnants of such atrophic follicles. They are enclosed by fibrous tissue. In heifers from the radionuclide contaminated territory absolute volume of the cavity of follicles, wall of normal follicles, wall of atretic follicles, corpus atretic (1.04±0.15, 0.178±0.017 , 0.102±0.011 sm3, respectively) significantly (p<0.05, р<0,01) high than this parameters in heifers from conditionally clean, not radionuclide contaminated territory (0.62±0.09, 0.089±0.016, 0.060±0.008 sm3, respectively). The morphometric research data obtained significantly contribute to the present-day understanding of the morpho-functional state of the reproductive system of animals kept on radiation-contaminated territories.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 2;-
dc.subjectвелика рогата худобаuk_UA
dc.subjectрадіаційне забрудненняuk_UA
dc.subjectradio-active contaminationuk_UA
dc.titleМікроскопічна будова і стереометричні показники яєчників у теличок, вирощених на радіоактивно забрудненій територіїuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe microscopic structure and stereometric indices of the ovaries in heifers on radiation-contaminated territoryuk_UA
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