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Title: Патологоанатомічна характеристика випадків аномалії розвитку трахеї та бронхів у собак
Other Titles: Pathologoanatomic characteristic of cases of trachea and bronchis anomalia development in dogs
Authors: Захар'єв, А. В.
Ляхович, Л. М.
Ульяницька, А. Ю.
Мартем'янова, А. Є.
Ткачова, К. В.
Keywords: патологоанатомічний аналіз;трахеобронхіальна дисплазія;трахеобронхіальна дистонія;колапс трахеї;патології;собаки;pathologoanatomic analysis;tracheobronchial dysplasia;tracheobronchial dystonia;tracheal collapse;pathologies;dogs
Issue Date: 21-Dec-2018
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Патологоанатомічна характеристика випадків аномалії розвитку трахеї та бронхів у собак. А. В. Захар'єв, Л. М. Ляхович, А. Ю. Ульяницька, А. Є. Мартем'янова, К. В. Ткачова.Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 33-36.
Series/Report no.: № 2;
Abstract: У роботі надано патоморфологічну макроскопічну характеристику випадків трахео-бронхіальної дисплазії у собак різних порід. Встановлені окремі патології за межами респіраторної системи за «колапсу трахеї». Отримані дані можуть бути використані для встановлення діагнозу і прогнозу за цієї патології у собак.
One of the chronic disease of upper airways in dogs is a «tracheal collapse» or a «dorsoventral flattening of trachea». This disease does not have a finally defined cause and pathogenesis. There are some facts about the possibility of the disease development as a congenital pathology for a great number of dog breeds. Furthermore, the secondary development of this disease can also happen because of the environmental conditions. Nowadays, it is considered that the most important components of pathogenesis of tracheal collapse are congential or acquired defects of tracheal connective and cartilaginous tissue. Relying upon proven existence of airways wall pathologies because of dysplasia of connective tissue in people, authors suppose that the «tracheal collapse», or the «dorsoventral flattening of trachea» is not independent disease of dogs but it is just one of the symptoms of systemic connective tissue dysplasia. The purpose of the study was the identification of systemic or specific organ pathologies in dogs which accompany the tracheal collapse. The research was performed by the pathologoanatomical analysis of the results of corpse dissection of different dogs breeds which had taken place at the pathological anatomy and dissection department of Kharkov State Veterinary Academy for the last 8 years. Finally, 11 results of the dog bodies dissections were analyzed. According to the results of performed analysis, tracheal collapse or dorsoventral flattening of trachea are registered in different dog breeds, including metises. Most dogs have asymptomatic disease course. It was also established that dog dorsoventral flattening of trachea comes together with other pathologies which include systemic pathologies of connective tissue in different organs. From 11 examined cases, 45% of dogs had tracheal collapse combined with spondiloarthral pathologies. These pathologies are represented by deformations of big joints of limbs, spinal column and intervertebral cartilages pathologies which manifest in lordosis. In 18% of corpses, tracheal collapse was combined with pathologies of colon wall (megacolon) and periodontal pathologies. In 27% of cases, pathomorphological characteristics of tracheobronchial collapse were accompanied with mitral insufficiency and pathologies of endocardial fibrous base. According to the results of the dissections the studied pathology of tracheal and bronchial walls in dogs is one of the symptom of the systemic disturbance of connective tissue development. Authors suppose to term this pathology as tracheobronchial dysplasia instead of dorsoventral flattening of trachea or tracheal collapse. The primary tracheobronchial dysplasia in dogs can't be considered as an independent disease so sick animals should be studied in order to find out other systemic or specific organ pathologies. Prognosis and possibility of treatment should to be determined according to these pathologies. Further research can be aimed to investigate special characteristics of connective tissue organization.
Appears in Collections:№2

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