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dc.contributor.authorЛетута, Т. М.-
dc.contributor.authorСорокіна, С. В.-
dc.contributor.authorАкмен, В. О.-
dc.contributor.authorТатар, Л. В.-
dc.contributor.authorКудряшов, А. І.-
dc.identifier.citationЛетута Т. М., Сорокіна С. В., Акмен В. О., Татар Л. В., Кудряшов А. І. Забезпечення конкурентоспроможності продукції на основі моніторінгу показників безпечності. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг : зб. наук. праць. Харків : ДБТУ, 2024. Вип. 2 (36). С. 191-203uk_UA
dc.description.abstractСпоживчий ринок сьогодні перебуває в симбіозному зв’язку з безпечністю та якістю харчових продуктів. Гарбуз, як рослина, здатен накопичувати солі важких металів, що знижує якість продукту, а відповідно ‒ споживну цінність на ринку. Унаслідок моніторингу токсикогенного стану тканин плодів гарбуза встановлено максимальне накопичення токсичних елементів у тканинах екзокарпію, мезокарпій визначено як «найчистіший» для всіх дослідних сортів. Відзначено доцільність здійснення процесів зниження токсичних речовин під час переробки гарбуза для забезпечення ринку конкурентоспроможними продуктамиuk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe modern economy is increasingly focused on improving the quality of human life, which is intrinsically linked to the safety and consumer value of food products. During cultivation, plants are known to accumulate various substances, including nitrates, nitrites, toxins, and heavy metal salts, which significantly impair their quality. Among these, heavy metal salts (e.g., Rb, Sr, Ga, Pb, Cd) pose the greatest risk due to their potential to bioaccumulate in the human body, disrupt biological processes such as metabolism and tissue protein structure, and induce mutations. Environmental degradation further exacerbates this issue by increasing the concentration of toxic substances in soil and water, subsequently affecting crops and diminishing their market competitiveness. Regular monitoring of heavy metal accumulation in plant products is therefore critical to ensuring their safety and suitability for a healthy diet, particularly those rich in biologically active substances. Pumpkin is a notable example due to its nutritional value and widespread use. This study investigated the accumulation of heavy metals in various economically significant pumpkin varieties, including Chudovyi, Zhdana, Slavuta, Stolovyi zymovyi, Khersonskyi, Khutoryanka, Marmurovyi, Arabatskyi, and Ukrainskyi mnohoplodnyi. The objective was to identify potential risks associated with heavy metal content and ensure the provision of safe, high-quality food. Atomic absorption spectroscopy, following state standard 30178-96, was used for quantitative measurements based on calibration graphs. Analysis revealed the presence of heavy metals (e.g., cadmium, lead, copper, and zinc salts) in the selected pumpkin varieties. Notably, the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) for lead salts was exceeded in the fruits of Chudovyi and Zhdana varieties. The study also identified genotypic differences influencing the accumulation of specific heavy metals, varying according to metal type and fruit variety. Regarding anatomical structure, the highest concentrations of toxic elements were found in the exocarp, while the mesocarp consistently demonstrated the lowest levels across all varieties. This pattern likely reflects the deposition of excess ions and unused metabolic ions in the exocarp. The results emphasize the need for strategies to reduce toxic substances during pumpkin processing. Effective quality management in plant-based food production is essential for minimizing toxic substance content and ensuring the delivery of safe products to consumers. Such measures will enhance the financial performance and competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, promote sustainable practices, and reduce environmental pollution, aligning with the principles of sustainable developmentuk_UA
dc.publisherХарків: ДБТУuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesЕкономічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг;Вип. 2 (36)-
dc.subjectсорти гарбузаuk_UA
dc.subjectспоживчий ринокuk_UA
dc.subjectсолі важких металівuk_UA
dc.subjectрослинні тканиниuk_UA
dc.subjectpumpkin varietiesuk_UA
dc.subjectconsumer marketuk_UA
dc.subjectheavy metal saltsuk_UA
dc.subjectplant tissuesuk_UA
dc.subjectconsumer valueuk_UA
dc.subjectsustainable developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectquality managementuk_UA
dc.titleЗабезпечення конкурентоспроможності продукції на основі моніторінгу показників безпечностіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeEnsuring product competitiveness based on safety indicator monitoringuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (36)

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