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dc.contributor.authorYarovyi, Hryhorii-
dc.contributor.authorPusik, Ludmila-
dc.contributor.authorSievidov, Volodymyr-
dc.identifier.citationYarovyi H., Pusik L., Sievidov V. The tomato yield depending on the method of plant formation. Modern trendsin agricultural science: problems and solutions: monograph. Tallinn: Teadmus OÜ, 2023. Р. 102-112uk_UA
dc.description.abstractModern studies of tomato culture are diverse, and now much attention is paid to the improvement of cultivation technology. From a biological point of view, tomatoes are annual herbaceous plants with a very good ability to form shoots, which has led to numerous studies on increasing production per plant and per unit area without compromising product quality. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of different methods of plant formation on biometric indicators and yield of the indeterminate hybrid tomato Toivo F1. When conducting research, it was found that tomato plants show an increased reaction to growing conditions in the period from flowering to fruiting. The duration of the periods from the emergence of seedlings and from the beginning of flowering to the beginning of mass fruiting was the smallest when forming plants with an additional stem with pinching of the central stem above the fourth tassel. Tomato plants have the best ratios of vegetative mass, plant height and leaf surface area. The maximum yield of tomato (18.3 kg/m2 ) was obtained precisely according to this variant of the experiment. Thanks to the effective method of plant formation, an increase in the level of tomato yield by 0.8- 1.8 kg/m2 was obtained compared to other optionsuk_UA
dc.publisherTallinn: Teadmus OÜuk_UA
dc.subjectprotected soiluk_UA
dc.titleThe tomato yield depending on the method of plant formationuk_UA
dc.typeBook chapteruk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Modern trendsin agricultural science: problems and solutions

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