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Title: Наукове обґрунтування технологій продуктів оздоровчого призначення, збагачених на ессенціальні мікронутрієнти: автореф.дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня д-ра техн. наук: 05.18.16 – Технологія харчової продукції
Other Titles: Scientific substantiation of technologies for revitalizing products enriched with essential micronutrients
Authors: Головко, Тетяна Миколаївна
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Погожих, Микола Іванович
metadata.dc.contributor.affiliation: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Keywords: харчові продукти оздоровчого призначення;ессенціальні мінеральні речовини;метаболізм;дієтичні добавки;хелатні комплекси;добавки дієтичні селен-білкові;йодобілкова дієтична добавка;напівфабрикат з молюска прісноводного;revitalizing products;essential minerals;metabolism;dietetic supplements;chelate complexes;Selenium-protein dietary supplement;iodine protein dietary supplement;semi-finished product of freshwater mussel
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Харків
Citation: Головко Т. М. Наукове обґрунтування технологій продуктів оздоровчого призначення, збагачених на ессенціальні мікронутрієнти: автореф. дис. … д-ра техн. наук: 05.18.16 – Технологія харчової продукції; наук. конс. Погожих М. І. Харків, 2019. 43 с.
Abstract: Дисертаційну роботу присвячено теоретичному та експериментальному обґрунтуванню технологій дієтичних добавок як джерела збагачення харчових продуктів і страв ессенціальними мінеральними речовинами. Виробництво розроблених дієтичних добавок дозволяє скорегувати мінеральний обмін пересічних громадян, створити підстави для виробництва широкого асортименту конкурентоспроможної продукції з високим фізіологічним потенціалом. На основі результатів теоретичних та експериментальних досліджень сформульовано й доведено наукову концепцію дослідження яка полягає в тому, що застосування в технологіях харчових продуктів харчової сировини, дієтичних добавок йодобілкової та селен-білкових та на основі хелатних комплексів дозволить забезпечити цільове надходження до організму ессенціальних мінеральних речовин із метою корегування або стабілізації білково-мінерального стану людини. На основі аналізу метаболізму ессенціальних мінеральних сполук в організмі людини розроблено схеми кінетики їх обміну. Визначено умови та шляхи, що сприяють засвоєнню цих речовин у процесі метаболізму організмом людини. Зазначені схеми складено з урахуванням синергізму й антагонізму хімічних елементів під час засвоєння. Сконцентровано увагу на шляхах транспортування, депонування та виведення елементів з організму людини. Науково обґрунтовано ефективні форми сполук для засвоєння організмом людини та забезпечення гомеостазу. Науково обґрунтовано та запропоновано раціональні шляхи вирішення проблеми усунення дефіциту ессенціальних мінеральних речовин.
The dissertation is devoted to theoretical and experimental substantiation of the technology of dietary supplements as a source for the enrichment of food products and dishes with essential minerals and food products with their use. The manufacture of the developed dietary supplements allows to coordinate mineral metabolism of average citizens, to create the background for the manufacture of a wide range of competitive products with high physiological potential. Based on theoretical and experimental research, scientific concept of the research is formulated and proved – creation of foods enriched with essential micronutrients, which would provide a dynamic balance in the reception, digestion, deposition and excretion of minerals from the body. It is proved that essential minerals belong to different biological chains, with some correlation between them. In terms of human physiology and biochemistry, the body is a complex of chemical elements in the form of various compounds. To ensure homeostasis, they must come in the form of certain compounds. Among these elements, some require conditions for the digestion, because the body does not receive physiologically necessary amount of the element from complex mineral compounds, others do not have obstacles for assimilation, but there is a threat of the manifestation of toxic action in case of their excessive admission. The necessity of creating organic compounds of essential minerals to recover deficiency of these compounds, and control of this process by the human body is proved. Three ways of solving the problem of essential mineral compounds assimilation are suggested. The first way involves introduction of dietary supplements of mixed type, which have the component of animal origin and mineral substance in their composition. In the second case, essential minerals are supplied in the form of food raw materials, where semi-finished product from freshwater mollusk is used as a source of minerals. The third way is dietary supplements in a purely chemical state based on chelate complexes. Thorough analysis of modern scientific and technical literature and physiology of the processes of mineral metabolism of man helped theoretically substantiate effectiveness of the creation of supplements of mixed type, which are able to form Van der Waals complexes with complete proteins of animal origin. In order to be involved in the metabolism of the compounds, certain energy costs are required on the part of the body. Variants of supplements of mixed type using essential minerals I and Se and yolk of chicken eggs and whey have been developed as an example. Optimal modes for obtaining iodine supplement (pH 7 ± 0.2 with 0.4 n of KI solution t = 20 0C, τ = 2 × 602 s) were determined. It was followed by drying of the obtained mass and removal of inorganic iodine residues from the powder system by thermostating for t = 50 ± 50C for (10...12) × 602 s. Indicators of quality and safety of a new supplement are reflected in TS U 108-01566330-281:2013 "Protein-mineral enrichment supplements”. The technology of dietary additives of mixed selenium-protein (DAMSP) type – "Syvoselen" and "Neoselen" based on whey has been developed and scientifically substantiated. As a source of Se compounds, CaSeO4 is used for "Syvoselen" and NaSeO5 for "Neoselen". Forms, in which Se is presented in DAMSP, and the nature of its combination with milk whey proteins, have been determined. 26.7% of metallic selenium, 39% of selenium protein compounds and 33% of unreacted inorganic compounds are found. Organoleptic and physicochemical, microbiological and toxicological parameters of DAMSP have been determined including the storage period. Terms and conditions of storage, which do not exceed 200C and relative humidity of 75%, have been established for the period of 6 months. For the first time, the technology of additives – semi-finished products of natural origin from freshwater mollusks, as a source of protein and essential mineral compounds, is scientifically substantiated and developed. To provide the supply of these raw materials to the domestic food industry, industrial breeding technology has been developed and scientifically substantiated, which makes it possible to create raw materials with modulated functional and technological properties. According to the requirements of the current legislative and regulatory documents, safety indices of the freshwater mollusk are determined. The conditions and terms for the semi-finished product storage at 180С for 6 months, are substantiated. In order to eliminate the deficiency of synergistic essential minerals, a mathematical model of mutual arrangement of the additives of powders is constructed. It is found that in the food system, one particle of 400 μm iodine supplement contains 150 particles of 15 μm of "Neoselen" supplement that allows to maintain the ratio of I and Se according to the daily requirement for the finished additive. The technology of coarse-type food is developed and scientifically substantiated. Patterns of the distribution of powdered dietary supplements in minced meat systems are experimentally determined. It is found that in the samples with geometric dimensions of 5 × 5 × 5 cm, the distribution of 8 equal parts of the Mn2+ distribution fluctuates within ± 25%. Medical-biological research of therapeutic and prophylactic use of mixed powdered dietary supplements, based on chelate complexes in linear rats is performed. With the use of 1.5 mg of the supplement under conditions of acute exposure of ionizing radiation at a dose of 7.0 Gy to the body, revealed radio modifying properties of selenium and iodine compounds, which were realized in reducing the occurrence of clinical manifestations of GPC, increasing rates of 30-day survival rate, and improvement of hematological and biochemical parameters in acute irradiation at a dose of 7.0 Gy.
Appears in Collections:05.18.16 – Технологія продуктів харчування

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