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Title: Моніторинг проблем та тенденцій розвитку галузі козівництва в Україні
Other Titles: The monitoring problems and tendents of development of goat breeding in Ukraine
Authors: Попова, Вікторія Олександрівна
Кернасюк, Юрій Валентинович
Федяєв, Валерій Анатолійович
Леппа, Анастасія Львівна
Keywords: козівництво;моніторинг;розвиток;тенденції;економічні проблеми;кози;молоко;м'ясо;вовна;шкури;пух;goat breeding monitoring;development;trends;economic problems;goats;milk;meat;wool;skins;fluff
Issue Date: 15-May-2019
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Моніторинг проблем та тенденцій розвитку галузі козівництва в Україні. В. О. Попова, Ю. В. Кернасюк, В. А. Федяєв, А. Л. Леппа. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2019. № 3. С. 168-176.
Series/Report no.: № 3;
Abstract: У оглядовій статті наведено моніторинг основних проблем сучасного стану та розвитку козівництва в Україні, виявлено найбільш вагомі перешкоди у виробництві продукції на промисловій основі, визначено тенденції та запропоновано ефективні рішення для подальшого становлення його як конкурентоспроможної та прибуткової галузі тваринництва у ринкових умовах.
The development of the goat industry in Ukraine has not moved for last years. There is no attention from the government and business. The industry is developing very slowly and agricultural companies do not have sufficient economic motivation for its progress. Goat products are not very popular in the country. These products are expensive and most of its buyers are well-off people. But even among them it is difficult to sell these goods. The most popular is goat's milk, the sellers of other products need to constantly advertise their goods, and spend a lot of money for it. Demand have only big agricultural companies, which can do large batches of milk all year. Small farms release products with seasonal fluctuation and they are not interesting in processing enterprises and connected with they trade networks. As a result, they are experiencing economic losses and even in a season they cannot sell their products, or they sell them too cheap. Ukrainian processing enterprises cannot expand assortment because of small batches of milk and they produce only pasteurized milk, saying "no" to other products. Most dairy factories do not have special equipment for the processing of goat milk. Even more problems with the processing of goat meat. There are no large farms in the country, it is impossible to buy meat for processing. Assortment of goat meat products has not developed for nowadays. There is no demand for products from the population. No one ready to invest money in the industry. The situation is similar with the processing of goat fluff, wool, leather and other. All exported abroad in the form of raw materials. The problem is the lack and obsolescence of the normative-technical and technological documentation. That we have, it does not agree the requirements of international standards. The problem of goat industry in Ukraine is the lack of a sufficient number of goats. It is not possible to buy the necessary number of high-performance pedigree animals. The country is not working to create and distribute its own domestic breeds of different directions of productivity. Some farms on the aboriginal animals use absorbing crossing, but to buy a high-quality, checked male goat abroad is not so easy, because really valuable breeding animals cost a lot and they almost do not sell. Quite often there is a question where to put unclaimed animals. Goat meat is not in demand in the country. There are many questions that goat farm owners try to find an answer by themselves: how many animals are optimal to keep, what technology to use in the industry is better, what kind of feed to use as a basis for the diet, what complex of veterinary and sanitary events to use on the farm, how to escape the hard stress during transporting the animals, where to buy equipment for goat industry and others. All these questions will have to be decided by Ukraine. Effective development of goat industry needs an integrated approach based on the usage of rational technologies in animal keeping and industry, together with the choice of optimal marketing strategy for product pricing and sales.
Appears in Collections:№3

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