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dc.contributor.authorЗабудський, Сергій Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorСердюков, Ярослав Костянтинович-
dc.identifier.citationЗабудський С. М., Сердюков Я. К. Зміни морфологічних показників крові канарок кольорових за отруєння кантаксантином. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2019. № 3. С. 131-137.
dc.description.abstractВстановлено, що токсикоз кантаксантином в кольорових канарок призводить до різких змін морфологічних показників крові даного виду тварин. Наведено ряд морфологічних показників крові канарок в нормі та їх зміни за дії кантаксантину.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractCanthaxathin is a food coloring agent E161g, which belongs to the group of carotenoids. The E161g dye is particularly sensitive to light and temperature drops. By physical properties it is a crystalline powder or crystals painted in intense orange color. But in dissolved form, it is able to get shades of a wide range - from pale-orange to bright red. When using canthaxanthine in the cannula, they may cause deterioration of the general condition, reduce reproductive capacity, constant molting, dyspnea, known deaths of animals. At the moment, there is absolutely no data not only about morphological changes in blood cannulas blood count for cantaxanthine toxicosis, but also relative to the normal values of these indices. For the experiment, 20 color canaries were used at the age of 1.5 years, average fattening, normal physiological state. These birds were divided into 4 groups of 5 birds in each, three females and two males in each group. In the first group of experimental tubers fed corn mixes and soft feeds with the addition of cantaxanthin in a dose of 5 g per 0.5 kg of feed or 0.5 l of water for 3 months. In the second group of experimental tubers fed corn mixes and soft feeds with the addition of canthaxanthin in a dose of 10 grams per 0.5 kg of feed or 0.5 l of water for 3 months. In the third group of experimental tubers fed corn mixes and soft fodders with the addition of canthaxanthin in a dose of 20 grams per 0.5 kg of feed or 0.5 l of water for 3 months. In the fourth (control) group of experimental tubers fed corn and soft food without adding canthaxanthin in the diet. The blood was selected in the area of the right cervical artery from the right jaundice through an intravenous catheter with a diameter 0.6 mm and placed in an EDTA tube. Blood tests were performed on the following morphological parameters: leukocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, platelets, hematocrit. The research was conducted on the basis of the veterinary laboratory Bald Ltd., Kyiv. The resulting quantitative data was processed using Microsoft Excel-2003 program. The study found that the use of canthaxanthin in a dose of 5 g almost does not change the morphological parameters of blood relative to animals in the control group, except for an increase in the number of erythrocytes by 27%. Obviously, for the action of canthaxanthin in a dose of 5 grams toxic effects leads to phenomena that stimulate the compensatory mechanisms of erythropoiesis and there is an intense formation of red blood cells. When feeding canthaxanthin in a dose of 10 g in animals of the second experimental group, some indicators decreased: leukocytes by 22%, platelets by 9%, which may indicate repression of hematopoiesis in the red bone marrow due to the toxic effects of this substance. In group 3, at a dose of cantaxanthin 20 g, it was noted: an increase in the number of leukocytes compared to animals in the control group by 1242%, which may indicate a damage and metabolism in tissues and as a result of inflammatory processes in the body; reduction of the number of erythrocytes by 50%, hemoglobin - by 58%, hematocrit - by 64%, platelets - by 84%. Such changes indicate the development of anemia, which may have been caused by intoxication with the destruction of blood cells and the inhibition of red bone marrow, as well as degenerative processes in the liver and kidneys. The following changes were observed in the leukocyte formula in the experimental groups relative to the control group: 1 group - an increase in the number of eosinophils and monocytes by 150%, and a decrease in the number of heterophyles by 22%. In group 2, the number of eosinophils decreased by 383% and monocytes by 133%, and the reduction of heterophilia by 44%. Also, in the 2nd group there is a slight increase in lymphocytes by 13% relative to control. In group 3, the number of eosinophils increased by 416%, monocytes - 208%; reduction of heterophiles by 25%. Such changes in animal leukograms in experimental groups indicate the development of inflammatory processes, and is a sign of the strain of adaptive mechanisms of the organism.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 3;-
dc.titleЗміни морфологічних показників крові канарок кольорових за отруєння кантаксантиномuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeChanges of morphological indicators of colored canary blood poisoned of canthaxanthinuk_UA
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