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dc.contributor.authorНестеренко, Оксана Михайлівна-
dc.contributor.authorБугріменко, Роман Михайлович-
dc.contributor.authorСахненко, Оксана Іванівна-
dc.contributor.authorСмірнова, Полина Василівна-
dc.identifier.citationНестеренко О.М., Бугріменко Р.М., Сахненко О.І., Смірнова П.В. Людський капітал: соціальна значущість та ефективність вкладень. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2018. Вип. 1(27). С. 27-36.-
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто теоретичні підходи до з’ясування ролі та значущості інвестицій у людський капітал. Запропоновано заходи зі створення необхідних умов для збільшення інвестицій у розвиток людського потенціалу та формування людського капіталу.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to theoretical approaches to determining the role and importance of investing in human capital, proposed measures to create the necessary conditions for increasing investment in human development and human capital formation. The authors noted that the role of innovative technologies over the past decade has grown qualitatively, and therefore the need to expand the range of opportunities and deep structuring of the science-intensive component of the nation’s potential has become one of the main requirements in the formation of the state economy. The analysis of researches and publications of leading economists on the development of human capital, the need to invest in it all business entities, the constant support of the state. Investment of human capital can be carried out by attracting resources from various sources, including: the state, organizations, individual firms, households, international organizations, educational institutions. The authors drew attention to the fact that today the role of the state in the formation of human capital is quite high. The state applies both compulsory and incentive measures in this area. Compulsory education is compulsory for all in the volume of secondary school, mandatory medical preventive measures. However, the main measures are incentives. The government has two active methods that are used to change the size of private investment in a person, made automatically through the market. They can affect the incomes of those who work, and can also regulate the price of acquiring human capital. The authors note that the role of individual enterprises is increasingly increasing in the creation of human capital assets, as they often become efficient producers of such capital through the training of personnel in accordance with current and prospective production needs, but enterprises have a pragmatic approach: they invest in human capital only up to As long as they bring economic returns. Measures have been proposed to create the necessary conditions for increasing investment in human development and human capital formation. The conclusion is drawn that in order to achieve the goal of the country's transition to an innovative development path, it is necessary to achieve an increase in the innovative activity of the national industry, to adapt the research complex to the conditions of the market economy, and to strengthen the interaction of the public and private sectors. The solution of these problems depends on the development of effective scientific, technical, innovation and industrial policies.-
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectлюдський капіталuk_UA
dc.subjectдержавне регулювання-
dc.subjectчеловеческий капитал-
dc.subjectгосударственное регулирование-
dc.subjecthuman capital-
dc.subjectstate regulation-
dc.titleЛюдський капітал: соціальна значущість та ефективність вкладеньuk_UA
dc.titleHuman capital: social importance and effectiveness of contribution-
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (27)

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