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Title: Конкурентні напрями розвитку туристичної галузі в Україні
Other Titles: Competitive directions of tourism development in Ukraine
Authors: Іващенко, Анна Володимирівна
Keywords: туризм;пріоритетність;рекреація;спеціалізований туризм;діловий туризм;активний туризм;екотуризм;управління;система;туризм;приоритетность;рекреация;специализированный туризм;деловой туризм;активный туризм;экотуризм;управление;система;tourism;priority;recreation;specialized tourism;business tourism;active tourism;ecotourism;management;system
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Іващенко А.В. Конкурентні напрями розвитку туристичної галузі в Україні. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2016. Вип. 2(24). С. 280-288.
Abstract: Розглянуто розвиток української туристичної галузі на фоні дослідження особливостей її формування та функціонування з урахуванням аналізу конкурентних форм та напрямів її розвитку. Позитивні наслідки розвитку туризму для держави виражаються в зростанні доходу від розвитку цієї галузі, використання можливостей регіонів України, збільшення обізнаності з, туристичними можливостями країни, зростання конкурентоспроможності вітчизняних туристичних компаній на світовому туристичному ринку.
In the article development of Ukrainian tourist industry is considered from point of research of the features of forming and functioning due to the analysis of priority forms and direction of its development. Given the current state of the tourism market in Ukraine, we consider it necessary to focus on the most promising types of inbound tourism. Preference is given because of the economic criteria, recreational and business tourism, and ecological (shape) and agriculture. The analysis of the scientific literature shows that the classification of tourism is still evolving. The main reason for this situation is the novelty of scientific and practical direction. Each of these areas of tourism deserves special attention and effective development tools. Elaboration of the appropriate models for the development of outlined elements of the tourism industry, specific to each operation, will increase the competitiveness of tourism Ukraine in the international market. This should be the key objectives of the tourism industry, and take place in close cooperation with all stakeholders of tourism infrastructure. System activities in these areas will positively impact on the development of active tourism in our country. Among them, the following factors will play an important role: job creation for residents of suburban areas; revival of cultural traditions; infrastructure areas. An important aspect of this model should be considered in promising regions for the allocation of each subspecies outdoor activities in relation to natural, climatic and social conditions. In the proposed model, the priority preferences for foreign tourists play an important role: 1. Ability to use non-standard travel offers along with traditional types of outdoor activities. Highlighted, hunting tours, safaris, etc. are among them. 2. Competitive prices for services in our country in comparison with the similar services in the international market. 3. The possibility of studying cultural characteristics of different regions of our country, combined with relaxation in ecologically clean areas in terms of food consumption and ethnic cuisine. Practical significance of the results is expressed by the possibility of their use for the tourism development concept including regions of Ukraine. The trick of the proposed model focuses on competitive advantages, main problems and prospects of the development of each type of tourism charateristic for the specific territories. An important role in strengthening the competitiveness of the tourism industry of Ukraine belongs to the state. This is reflected in the need of legislative regulation of tourism, establishing relationships with other countries in tourism and a broad advertising campaign to familiarize potential tourists from different countries in a unique position of the rest.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (24)

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