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dc.contributor.authorМелушова, Ірина Юріївна-
dc.contributor.authorВівденко, Марина Анатоліївна-
dc.identifier.citationМелушова І.Ю., Вівденко М.А. Конкурентне середовище підприємств торгівлі: теоретичні аспекти. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2016. Вип. 2(24). С. 249-260.-
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто галузеві особливості торговельної діяльності, що визначає процеси формування конкурентного середовища у сфері торгівлі. Систематизовано особливості конкурентного середовища торговельних підприємств з урахуванням специфіки торговельної діяльності, що дозволить їм правильно оцінювати своїх конкурентів та їх інтереси, розробляти найбільш ефективні конкурентні стратегії.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn modern conditions of market economy, the main goal for any company is to maintain or expand the occupied positions in the market or its segment, stable profitability and growth. The orientation of the company to maximize profits is essential for achieving this goal, which in its turn can be achieved by ensuring high competitiveness. Today it is difficult to find a market segment where there are no fierce battles between the competitors. To survive in the competition, companies and organizations adopt new services; new forms of business, put forward in the first place not only their employees, but fight for every client. The market is studied, the necessary information is collected and analyzed, after which the market development strategies are developed. All companies in the highly competitive, rapidly changing situation should not only focus on the internal state of affairs in the company, but to develop longterm survival strategy, which will enable them to keep pace with the changes that occur in their environment. Each enterprise operates in the current competitive environment, which is subjects of the competitive activity and their actions to ensure their interests, resulting in the formation of the company's certain conditions. Analysis of the competitive environment is a prerequisite for making substantiated strategic marketing decisions. The results are used to form different spheres of enterprise activity on the market. The knowledge of competitors’ activity allows evaluating the prospects of success in the market, identifying priorities and responding to actions of the competitors. Analysis of the competitive environment of the enterprise allows provide employees with the enterprise information; improve the system of training and staff development, motivating their actions. A significant result of the analysis of the enterprise as a whole is the ability to develop a neutralization strategy of the strengths of competitors and increase the competitiveness and efficiency of its own businesses. In the article, economic literature about the definition of "trade" is analyzed. Essential characteristics and functions of trade are studied. The key components of the "trade sector" are singled out. Features of the definition of "trading activity" which determine the processes of competitive environment formation are disclosed. The authors’ systematization of the features of the competitive environment of trading enterprises is given.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.titleКонкурентне середовище підприємств торгівлі: теоретичні аспектиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeCompetition environment trade enterprises: theoretical aspectsuk_UA
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