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Title: Agile-підходи в ресторанному бізнесі в умовах пандемії COVID-19
Other Titles: Agile-approaches in restaurant business in the convention of the pandemic COVID-19
Authors: Бовш, Людмила Андріївна
Keywords: ресторанний бізнес;COVID-19;Аgile;ефект плато;ресторанный бизнес;эффект плато;restaurant business;plateau effect
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Бовш Л.А. Agile-підходи в ресторанному бізнесі в умовах пандемії COVID-19. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2020. Вип. 1(31). С. 235-242.
Abstract: Визначено виклики для підприємств ресторанного господарства, зумовлені пандемією COVID-19. Установлено чинники, що створили ефект плато в ресторанному бізнесі, та напрями фасилітації в карантинних умовах. Окреслено основні компетентності адаптивного планування в agileсередовищі. Визначено ключові характеристики agile-підходів та запропоновано способи їх застосування в ресторанному бізнесі, реалізація яких сприятиме оптимізації бізнесу та підтримці лояльності клієнтів.
The restaurant business in the world is considered a stable type of business that generates stable cash flows and characterized by a fairly rapid payback. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced to revise most axioms and statements, economic agents and create a field for rapid response to changes in business conditions as a guarantee of economic security. Analysis of the complex of risks faced by economic entities, including the restaurant business, allows us to understand the areas of change management and adaptation to new conditions. In fact, restaurant business practitioners, like other members of the economic environment, have faced the problem of revolutionary reactions and drastic formats. The research examines pandemic challenges in terms of the factors which shape the complex mechanism of competency crisis management through facilitation techniques, including flexible Agile management (Scrum, Kanban). The aggregation influence of negative factors forms a field for understanding the situation and creates tools to influence the behavior and adaptive reactions of the restaurant management. The quarantine regime provoked numerous problems for the restaurant business, which forced some owners to close down and others - to adapt to new sanitary and hygienic requirements, to reorient the business to the delivery of restaurant products directly to customers. The plateau effect stopped the development of the restaurant business, so the research considers teamwork and the creation of a customer-oriented Agile environment as a way to overcome the crisis. Agile's flexible management methods allow to form organizational values in the staff that promotes more effective performance of the set tasks, does not create conflicts in relations. The final result is taking into account the peculiarities of the restaurant business, identifying key business processes that Agile-organizations need. The methods for selecting the appropriate Agile approach have been characterized, the results and tasks have been detailed. There are also ways to reformat the restaurant business in the pandemic to deliver products directly to consumers, which creates the initial potential for rapid rehabilitation and recovery in the post-quarantine period.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (31)

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