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dc.contributor.authorCкрынник, Наталья Анатольевна-
dc.contributor.authorУдовенко, Инна Владимировна-
dc.identifier.citationСкрынник Н.А., Удовенко И.В. Аспекты гуманитарной подготовки студентов вуза к вопросу научного изучения хронотопа на примере драматургии А.Ф. Писемского. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2017. Вип. 2(26). С. 377-386.-
dc.description.abstractРаскрыты особенности категории пространственно-временного континуума на примере драматургии А.Ф. Писемского. Дана характеристика места действия каждой исторической драмы. Каждый вид пространства имеет свое значение, свою смысловую и идейную нагрузку. Установлено, что историческое время в драмах передается с помощью интерьерных ремарок, в костюмах действующих лиц, нравах, традициях и обычаях, воплощенных в поведении персонажей.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractDramaturgy of A.F. Pisemsky is the least studied aspect of his creative heritage. The attention of researchers is riveted, as a rule, to the social-everyday drama «Bitter Fate». Historical dramas of A.F. Pisemsky «Self-governors», «Lieutenant Gladkov», «The Miloslavskys and The Naryshkins» remained without attention undeservedly. The article attempts to reveal the features of the category of the space-time continuum. The characteristic of the place of action of each historical drama is given. A.F. Pisemsky clearly denotes the place of action at the beginning of each work and strictly fixes the basic topos of the event space. Each kind of space has its own meaning, its own semantic and ideological load. Creating a space filled with the signs of a certain epoch, and precisely tying the action to it, A.F. Pisemsky, however, is focused on human problems and comprehension the causes that happend in the history of events as lying in the plane of morality and morality. The artistic time in his plays specifically, the action is tied to certain time coordinates, the time of action is determined with accuracy not only to the year, month, day, but also the time of day. This allows to depict life, everyday life, mores of a certain historical era to the playwright. It is established that the historical time in drams is transmitted with the help of interior remarks, as well as in the costumes of characters, in the customs, traditions and customs that are embodied in the behavior of the characters. As in his novel prose, in a historical drama Pisemsky seeks to reproduce in detail the environment of action, various everyday details, based on the facts established by historical science. In this case A.F. Pisemsky shifts the angle of view from largescale and reliable historical events to the moral image of a person participating in history.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectисторическая драмаuk_UA
dc.subjectисторическое времяuk_UA
dc.subjectісторична драмаuk_UA
dc.subjectісторичний часuk_UA
dc.subjecthistorical dramauk_UA
dc.subjecthistorical timeuk_UA
dc.titleАспекты гуманитарной подготовки студентов вуза к вопросу научного изучения хронотопа на примере драматургии А.Ф. Писемскогоuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeAspects of humanitarian preparation of students in the high school to the question of the scientific study of the chronotope on the example of the dramatics of А.F. Pisemskyuk_UA
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