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Title: Інновації у сфері гостинності
Other Titles: Innovation in the field of hospitality
Authors: Малюк, Людмила Петрівна
Варипаєва, Людмила Миронівна
Терешкін, Олег Георгійович
Keywords: інновації;послуги;готельно-ресторанний бізнес;бутік-готель;инновации;услуги;гостинично-ресторанный бизнес;бутик-отель;innovations;services;hotel and restaurant business;boutique hotel
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Малюк Л.П., Варипаєва Л.М., Терешкін О.Г. Інновації у сфері гостинності. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2017. Вип. 2(26). С. 253-266.
Abstract: Розглянуто питання актуальності розробки інновацій у сфері гостинності. Проведено аналіз сучасних інноваційних технологій у готельноресторанному бізнесі. Досліджено розвиток готельної справи в місті Харкові. Розроблено інноваційні послуги та запропоновано їх для втілення в бутікготелі.
The issue of innovation development urgency in the field of hospitality is considered. Modern innovative technologies in the hotel and restaurant business are analyzed. Innovative technologies of providing services in the hotel and restaurant business are rapidly developing in the direction of meeting the increasingly demanding needs of consumers. Innovative technologies in the hospitality industry have dynamics of the development. Hoteliers and restaurateurs constantly face the task of attracting as many regular consumers as possible in a competitive environment. It is practically impossible to achieve such tasks without the introduction of innovative technologies in modern business. Urbanization, the increased pace of life lead to the emergence of small cozy ecological hotels, among which boutique hotels are becoming more and more popular. Boutique Hotel is a small designer exclusive hotel with a special style and atmosphere with an individual approach to every guest. The main difference of the boutique hotel from the traditional network hotels is the ability to combine luxury and comfort, stylish interior and home comfort harmoniously. The development of hotel business in Kharkiv city is studied. Innovative services are developed and offered for implementation in a boutique hotel. The necessity to introduce innovations in the hotel and restaurant business stimulates competitive struggle. The importance of developing innovative services and their implementation in the activities of the institutions is becoming an objective necessity at all stages of the enterprise activity. One of the trends in hospitality development in Kharkiv city is the increase of the number and construction of minieco-boutique hotels with a wide range of innovative additional services, which will increase the competitiveness of institutions and quality of guest service.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (26)

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