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Title: The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Behavior of Consumer Market Actors in the Context of Countering Hybrid Threats
Other Titles: Вплив цифрових технологій на поведінку суб’єктів споживчого ринку в контексті протидії гібридним загрозам
Authors: Chmil, H. L.
Łukawiecki, K.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Opole: Academy of Applied Sciences University of Management and Administration in Opole
Citation: Chmil H. L., Łukawiecki K. The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Behavior of Consumer Market Actors in the Context of Countering Hybrid Threats. National Resilience as a strategy for ensuring national security: military challenges and the latest concepts of the international security environment. Monograph. Opole: Academy of Applied Sciences University of Management and Administration in Opole, 2023. Pp. 321-330.
ISBN: 978-83-66567-52-8
Appears in Collections:ODPORNOŚĆ NARODOWA jako strategia bezpieczeństwa narodowego: wyzwania wojskowe i najnowsze koncepcje międzynarodowego środowiska bezpieczeństwa

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