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dc.contributor.authorЦивірко, Інна Леонідівна-
dc.identifier.citationЦивірко І. Л. Ефективність застосування мікроскопічного методу дослідження якісних показників сухого незбираного коров’ячого молока від різних виробників України. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2019. № 4. С. 164-167.
dc.description.abstractВ статті наведені дані, що стосуються якісних показників сухого незбираного коров’ячого молока від різних виробників України. Проведенні органолептичні дослідження сухого незбираного коров'ячого молока, а також визначали фізико-хімічні його показники. За результатами досліджень сухого незбираного молока оцінені його якісні показники.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAll substances in milk are in the optimal ratio. Milk is characterized by high organoleptic properties: gentle Expert food research as a tool to influence their safety229 and pleasant taste, attractive white with a yellowish tinge. It is necessary for the functioning of many human organs, first of all for liver. Milk is used in food for cooking first of all, in bakery, confectionery and other fields of food industry. The most common is cow's milk, goat's, sheep's, mare and donkey milk. Analytical comparisons have shown that the differences between whole milk and milk reconstituted from dry powder are negligible. The benefit of powdered milk is first and foremost the fact that it is made from the same natural cow's milk. However, the nutritional value of natural cow's milk is higher due to the content of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates. Cholesterol content is approximately the same in both dry and natural milk. The benefit of powdered milk depends largely on its quality. Only a product with high quality can temporarily replace natural milk. Among primary branches of production of food a specific place is held by milk. Fresh milk is stored 2-3 days at temperature not more than 10 °C. Therefore production of milk has regional and seasonal nature that does not allow to provide fresh consumers who live in regions with undeveloped dairy production, or people who live and work in extreme conditions. Powdered milk is small sprayed dry powder of white color with a cream shade which is produced from pasteurized milk by the method of drying, at the same time all qualities of fresh milk are remained. We conducted research of quality indicators of powdered milk of different producers of Ukraine. It was established that organoleptic indicators of all samples of milk correspond to normative documents. Physical and chemical indicators in two samples of powdered milk had deviations which did not correspond to marking on packing, namely fat indicators, the increased content of humidity of powdered milk were underestimated that indicates violation of the mode of storage of powdered milk and low-quality raw materials for production of powdered milk.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 4;-
dc.subjectсухе незбиране коров’яче молокоuk_UA
dc.subjectорганолептичні показникиuk_UA
dc.subjectфізико-хімічні показникиuk_UA
dc.subjectpowdered whole milk of cowsuk_UA
dc.subjectorganoleptic indicatorsuk_UA
dc.subjectphysio-chemical indicatorsuk_UA
dc.titleЕфективність застосування мікроскопічного методу дослідження якісних показників сухого незбираного коров’ячого молока від різних виробників Україниuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe effectiveness of the use of the microscopic method for the study of quality indicators of whole milk powder of cows from different producers of Ukraineuk_UA
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