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Title: | Лікувальна ефективність антигельмінтних препаратів за скрябінемозу овець |
Other Titles: | Therapeutic efficiency of antigelminth preparations at skrjabinemosis of sheep |
Authors: | Мельничук, В. В. |
Keywords: | вівці;скрябінемоз;лікування;антигельмінтні препарати;екстенс- та інтенсефективність;sheep;skrjabinemosis;treatment;anthelmintic preparations;extens- and intensefficiency |
Issue Date: | 15-Nov-2019 |
Publisher: | Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія |
Citation: | Мельничук В. В. Лікувальна ефективність антигельмінтних препаратів за скрябінемозу овець. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2019. № 4. С. 118-123. |
Series/Report no.: | № 4; |
Abstract: | В роботі наведені дані щодо порівняльної ефективності антигельмінтиків різних хімічних груп (бензімідазолів, імідотіазолу, макролідів та комбінованих препаратів) відносно збудника скрябінемозу овець. Встановлено, що всі використані в дослідах засоби володіють антигельмінтною дією (ЕЕ – 70–100 %, ІЕ – 77,49–100 %) а їх ефективність залежала від способу задавання та хімічного групи до якої вони належали. The intensive and sometimes uncontrolled use of anthelmintic agents to control the nematodoses of the digestive tract of animals has led to the emergence of resistant helminth strains, which has become an important problem for scientists in many European countries, including Ukraine. Thus, the drugs most commonly used to treat animals are not effective enough against the agents of sheep helminthiasis. In this case, the question of the actual effectiveness of anthelmintics in relation to specific pathogens remains important for both scientists and veterinary practitioners. The aim of the study was to study the therapeutic efficacy of anthelmintics, registered on the territory of Ukraine which belong to different chemical groups for skrjabinemosis sheep. Experimental testing of modern anthelmintic preparations was carried out: Brovalsen powder, Albendazole-250 tablets and Albendazole suspension 10 % (benzimidazole group); Brovalevamisole powder 8 % and Levavet injection solution 10 % (imidotiazole group); Univerm powder and Ivermekvet injection solution 1 % (macrolide group); Kombitrem emulsion and Kloziveron injection solution (combination group). Studies have shown that all the tools used in the experiments have an anti-helminthic effect against the pathogen of sheep skrjabinemosis (EE – 70–100 %, IE – 77.49–100 %). The most effective were the chemicals from the group of combination preparations (Kombitrem and Kloziveron)in which EE and IE reached 100 %. The effectiveness of drugs from the group of macrocyclic lactones depended on the method of their setting. The use of Ivermekvet injection solution 1 % and the individual feeding of the Univerm powder resulted in 100 % efficiency of the agents. The group feeding of the Univerm powder proved to be less effective (EE – 90 %, EE – 92.54 %). A similar effect has been reported for the use of preparations of the imidotiazole group. Injection of Ivermekvet 1 % and individual feeding of Brovalevamisole 8 % showed 100 % effectiveness. Group administration of Brovalevamisole 8 % led to a decrease in performance (EE – 80 %, IE – 86.99 %). It was determined that the use of various methods of benzimidazole group (individual or group) did not destroy 100 % of the pathogens of sheep skrjabinemosis in the body of sheep. The EE and IE ratios of Brovalsen powder, Albendazole-250 tablets and Albendazole suspension 10 % ranged from 70–90 % and 77.49–95.70 %, respectively. |
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Appears in Collections: | №4 |
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