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Title: Аспекты гуманитарной подготовки студентов ЗВО к вопросу рассмотрения особенностей композиции, конфликта и сюжета трагедии А.Ф. Писемского "Самоуправцы"
Aspects of humanitarian preparation of students in the high school to the question of the consideration of the peculiarities of the composition, conflict and the plot of the tragedy А.F. Pisemsky «Self-governors»
Authors: Cкрынник, Наталья Анатольевна
Keywords: трагедия;композиция;конфликт-казус;концентрический сюжет;сюжетный мотив;трагедія;композиція;конфлікт-казус;концентричний сюжет;сюжетний мотив;tragedy;composition;conflict-incident;concentric plot;plot motive
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Cкрынник Н. А. Аспекты гуманитарной подготовки студентов ЗВО к вопросу рассмотрения особенностей композиции, конфликта и сюжета трагедии А.Ф. Писемского "Самоуправцы". Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2018. Вип. 2(28). С. 241-248.
Abstract: Определены аспекты гуманитарной подготовки студекнтов УВО к вопросу рассмотрения особенностей композиции, конфликта и сюжета трагедии А.Ф. Писемского «Самоуправцы». Установлено, что конфликтказус, лежащий в основе трагедии, соответствует в ней концентрическому сюжету, в котором достигается взаимосвязь между событиями. Особенностью построения сюжета трагедии является большое количество мелодраматических сцен, использование драматургом традиционных для бытовой драмы сюжетных мотивов, таких как полученное письмо, донесение, доклад дворецкого. Новаторство драматурга заключается в способах донесения авторской позиции, в трактовке проблемы взаимоотношений между дворянством и государством, народом и властью, в особой динамике сюжета, а также в раскрытии семейных отношений.
Studying by high school students features of the construction of a dramaturgic work, revealing the specifics of its analysis on the example of the tragedy of A.F. Pisemsky “Self-governors” is extremely important for our era, when many values are lost. In the era of a deep crisis of the state, political and spiritual foundations of our society, contemporary man experiences an almost instinctive distrust of abstract truths, not connected with the environment that is habitual for him. Therefore, the study of this problem in particular and the humanities in general, whose goal is the formation of a fully developed personality, should be given an objective character, bringing it as close as possible to the personal experience of the student. Specific features of the composition, conflict and plot of Pisemsky's tragedy “Self-governors” in the high school were determined. The plot of the play is connected with the events that took place in 1797. “Self-governors” are not a tragedy of Russia's historical fates, but a tragedy of jealousy. The playwright emphasizes the moral qualities of the human person, but not on the analysis of the regularity of the historical process. It is based on a plot, fruitfully developed by world drama from ancient times: the old husband selflessly loves a beautiful young wife and whose jealousy destroys her existence. All the events in the play are linked into one knot, submiting to the logic of the main conflict settlement , which is typical for a concentric plot. The conflict-incident, underlying the tragedy, corresponds to a concentric plot in which the interrelationship between the events is achieved. This combination of a single action plot acompany with conflict-special case provides a clear alignment of forces in the dramatic conflict, stage charisma and entertainment of the tragedy. The playwright's innovation lies in the ways of realizing the author's position, in interpreting the problem of the relationship between the nobility and the state, the people and power, in the special dynamics of the plot, and in the disclosure of family relations. A special feature of the plotting of the tragedy is a large number of melodramatic scenes, the use by the playwright of the traditional motifs for everyday drama, such as the received letter, report, butler's report.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (28)

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