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dc.contributor.authorЖукова, Ірина Олексіївна-
dc.contributor.authorКочевенко, Олена Сергіївна-
dc.contributor.authorБобрицька, Ольга Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorКостюк, Інна Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorАнтіпін, Сергій Леонідович-
dc.identifier.citationТератогенний та ембріотоксичний вплив карбендазиму на ембріони курей. І. О. Жукова, О. С. Кочевенко, О. М. Бобрицька, І. О. Костюк, С. Л. Антіпін. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2019. № 4. С. 64-68.
dc.description.abstractЗгідно з результатами проведеного дослідження, встановлено, що карбендазим проявляв тератогенний та ембріотоксичний вплив на курячі ембріони при введенні в алантоїсну порожнину в дозах 0,05 та 0,01 ЛД50 (500 і 100 мг/кг маси ембріона відповідно). Це явище супроводжується загибеллю ембріонів та розвитком окремих та комбінованих потворностей.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIntroduction of chemical substance technologies into agriculture among which there are 300 pesticides is a guarantee of receiving a completed agricultural product for the protection of animals and plants from pests, mourning bands, ectoparasites and diseases. Despite the positive results of pesticides usage there is a negative side which lies in danger posed to animals and people health. To discover teratogenic and embryotoxic effect fungicide and seed treatment Derozal which is produced by Bayer (Germany) has been used, an active ingredient of which is carbendazim (BMK) (500g/l). It has been injected into the allantois cavity of 9-11 days old chickens’ embryos of K-8 line with a mass 59-61 gr (n=100) in dose of 0.05 LD50 and 0.01 LD50 (500 and 100 mg/kg of an embryo mass relatively) (LD50 for chickens is 9089.0 mg/kg). The doses of pesticide have been calculated due to the existence of active substance (50%). The embryos of a controlled group have been injected with isotonic liquid of sodium chloride in quantity of 0.5 cm3. Test as well as controlled chickens’ embryos have been observed daily through the ovoscope up to the moment of chickens’ hatch with the aim to distinguish the coloration and liveliness, the size of air chamber, the quality of shell, the state of an embryo, its development and the blood system of allantois. Dead chickens’ embryos have been removed and stored for further experiments under the temperature + 4°С. During the analyses of the influence of different doses of carbendazim it has been determined that the dose of 0.05 LD50 of the substance has caused the death of 14 (46.7 %) embryos, and dose of 0.05 LD50 – the death of 9 (30.0 %) chickens’ embryos. The control has shown that isotonic liquid of NaСl has not caused the mass death of embryos (5 %). Teratogenic influence of carbendazim has been determined by the existence of undeveloped or complete absence of eyes, beaks, one or both limbs, non-fused abdominal cavity and fall-out of internal organs as well as combination of several deformities. The percentage of healthy embryos in the 1st and 2d groups has been at the level of 56.7-80.0 % relatively. Thus, the results of the carried out experiment represent that carbendazim in mentioned doses has highly marked embryotoxic influence on chickens’ embryos and also has teratogenic effect.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 4;-
dc.subjectкурячі ембріони (КЕ)uk_UA
dc.subjectкарбендазим (БМК)uk_UA
dc.subjectchickens’ embryos (CE)uk_UA
dc.subjectcarbendazim (BMK)uk_UA
dc.titleТератогенний та ембріотоксичний вплив карбендазиму на ембріони курейuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeTeratogenic and embryotoxic influence of carbenddazim which is had on chickens’ embryonsuk_UA
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