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Title: Аналіз фінансового стану сільського житлового фонду України
Other Titles: Анализ финансового состояния сельского жилого фонда Украины
Analysis of the financial condition of the rural housing stock of Ukraine
Authors: Велієва, В.О.
Keywords: населення;житловий фонд;соціальна сфера;аграрна реформа;рівень життя;население;жилищный фонд;социальная сфера;аграрная реформа;уровень жизни;population;housing fund;social sphere;agrarian reform;standard of living
Issue Date: 23-Aug-2018
Publisher: Харків: ХНАУ
Citation: Велієва В.О. Аналіз фінансового стану сільського житлового фонду України. Вісник ХНАУ. Серія : Економічні науки. 2018. №3. С. 117-128.
Abstract: Велієва В.О. Аналіз фінансового стану сільського житлового фонду України. Статтю присвячено аналізу фінансового стану житлового фонду України. Порівняно чисельність населення, рівень його життя, житловий фонд України і Польщі. Визначено основні проблеми та запропоновано шляхи їх вирішення.
В.А. Велиева. Анализ финансового состояния сельского жилого фонда Украины. Статья посвящена анализу финансового состояния жилищного фонда Украины. Проведено сравнение численности населения, уровня его жизни, жилищного фонда Украины и Польши. Определено основные проблемы и предложено пути их решения.
Velieva V.O. Analysis of the financial condition of the rural housing stock of Ukraine. The analysis of financial state condition in rural available housing of Ukraine. The article is devoted to the analysis of financial condition in rural available housing of Ukraine. The amount of population, its living level, available housing of Ukraine and Poland were compared. The main problems were determined. The ways to solve them were proposed. Agriculture is one of the priority sectors in world’s economy development where the bulk of food resources is created and nearly a half of retail goods is formed. It is of a considerable significance to ensure food safety. During the last decades villages have been going through a constant reformation in Poland, a country of the EU, the village reformation is carried out increasingly. Hence there is a constant progress and development. But the constant postsoviet reformation of a Ukrainian village is not always positive, but vice versa. Nowadays the condition of the Ukrainian agriculture is complicated and demands the state interference. The difference between a Ukrainian and a Polish village development is appreciable. Our aim is to determine the extent of the difference by comparison of village development in these countries, their social infrastructure, demographic state, etc. It is necessary to take into consideration not only the Polish experience but all the social-economic factors in their dialectical unification to solve the problem of a Ukrainian village development on the whole and its available housing. Naturally, the prospective development of rural available housing in Ukraine is possible only if the state interferes. When the state government begins to understand the European standard «Future belongs to agriculture», we will be able to expect the improvement of development in a Ukrainian village and its available housing on the whole.
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія" Економічні науки" № 3

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