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Title: Accounting and analytical basis of economic security management of enterprises: theoretical and methodological basics
Other Titles: Обліково-аналітичний базис управління економічною безпекою підприємств: теоретико-методологічні основи
Authors: Vasylishyn, Stanislav
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Publishing House of University of Technology, Katowice
Citation: Vasylishyn S. Accounting and analytical basis of economic security management of enterprises: theoretical and methodological basics. Operation and development management of economic entities in European integration conditions: information service, mechanisms, digitalization: collective monograph. Publishing House of University of Technology, Katowice, 2022. Р. 105-131
Abstract: The research is devoted to substantiating the theoretical and methodological foundations of improving the accounting and analytical basis of management in the system of risks and threats to the economic security of enterprises. A theoretical and methodological platform for strengthening the effectiveness of economic security risk management is proposed, which, along with the identification and management components of the existing logical chain of risk management, is supplemented with an accounting and analytical component. It has been proven that the concept of strengthening economic security is the transformation and rethinking of the functional orientation of accounting and analytical support. The transformational principles of the methodology of accounting and analytical management support for requests for guaranteeing the economic security of enterprises, which are based on the provisions of institutional theories and doctrines, have been improved.
ISBN: 978-83-965554-5-8
Appears in Collections:Operation and development management of economic entities in European integration conditions: information service, mechanisms, digitalization

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