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Title: Виробничий потенціал підприємства: концептуальні підходи до визначення дефініції
Other Titles: Production potential of a company: conceptu alapproaches to its definition
Authors: Забродська, Ганна Іванівна
Забродська, Любов Давидівна
Ткaчова, Світлана Сергіївна
Рєзник, Маріанна Олегівна
Keywords: потенціал;виробничий потенціал;дефініція;концепція;підприємство;ресурсна концепція;результативна концепція;цільова концепція;структурна концепція;системна концепція;клієнтоорієнтована концепція;potential;production potential;definition;concept;enterprise;resource concept;effective concept;target concept;structural concept;system concept;customer-oriented concept
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Забродська Г.І., Забродська Л.Д., Ткачова С.С., Рєзник М.О. Виробничий потенціал підприємства: концептуальні підходи до визначення дефініції. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2020. Вип. 2(32). С. 58-72.
Abstract: Результати узагальнення та критичного аналізу концептуальних підходів до формулювання дефініції виробничого потенціалу підприємства дозволило обґрунтувати, що найбільш повно розкривають його зміст ресурсна, результативна, цільова, структурна, системна, клієнтоорієнтована концепції, та на їх підґрунті сформулювати авторське визначення цього поняття.
It is acknowledged that in the modern economic science there are several conceptual approaches to revealing the essence underlying in the definition of production potential of the company. Their generalization and critical analysis of scientific efforts enabled us to establish that resource, result-driven, target-oriented, structural, and system customer-oriented concepts are best suited for modern business environment. A conducted gnosiological research proved that the stated concepts did not fully disclose content of the production potential definition. Analysis of their meaning allowed us to find out advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The resource concept gives an opportunity to define a system of factors influencing efficiency of using the production potential of the company, though it does not take into account actual market environment and needs of product consumers. The result-driven concept measures the production potential of the company in the context of physical assets that can be gained as a result of operation, however maximization of goods production can lead to exhaustive utilization of resources, that is not always expedient. The target-oriented concept helps to define compliance of the available potential with achievement of set goals, but it does not account for effect of the environment. Advantages of the structural concept approach are orientation to search of balance between components of the production potential of the company and their most efficient use, and the disadvantage is lack of forming components of the production potential. Key advantages of the system concept are treatment of the production potential of the company not as a set of elements (resources, opportunities, etc.), but as a system formed by their interaction and interdependency, and the disadvantage is complexity in segregation of effects that forming components have. The customer-oriented concept places greater focus on a customer as the basic resource of the company that guarantees its profitability, efficiency, competitiveness, and directly impacts efficiency of the production potential in general. However, excessive attention to satisfaction of customer’s needs can result in loss of cost control, and accordingly value for the customer. Establishment of multi-aspect nature characterizing definition of the production potential of the company and special features of the conceptual approaches to its meaning became a basis to definition of the production potential as a multi-layered system feature of the company that shows actual and probable opportunities of this system in view of gaining maximum production result in course of optimal utilization of resources to achieve both current and strategic goals and conduct efficient customer-oriented operation in the dynamic competitive environment, and development of typology of scientific views on the definition of the production potential of the company.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (32)

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