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Title: Тенденції розвитку торгівлі та ресторанного господарства під впливом бізнес-середовища
Other Titles: Trade and restaurant industry development trends under the influence of business environment
Authors: Волосов, Анатолій Михайлович
Keywords: бізнес-середовище;споживчий ринок;роздрібна торгівля;торговельні мережі;ресторанне господарство;криза;business environment;consumer market;retail;retail chains;restaurants;crisis
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Волосов А.М. Тенденції розвитку торгівлі та ресторанного господарства під впливом бізнес-середовища. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2020. Вип. 2(32). С. 37-44.
Abstract: Наголошено на необхідності дослідження прояву умов і впливу чинників бізнес-середовища на діяльність суб’єктів господарювання. Досліджено місце та роль споживчого ринку як центральної сполучної ланки ринкової системи, складової та чинника бізнес-середовища суб’єктів підприємництва. Зважаючи на специфічне місце роздрібної торгівлі та ресторанного господарства в економіці країни, проаналізовано основні тенденції їх функціонування. Виявлено, що навіть за умов кризи, врахування умов і чинників бізнес-середовища та своєчасне впровадження різноманітних заходів сприяють забезпеченню сталого розвитку ритейлу та ресторанного господарства.
Modern enterprise, regardless of the type of economic activity and specialization is a complex socio-economic object, which operates as an open system with constant relationships with other market participants, institutional structures and interdependence on many factors and conditions both inside and outside the business organizations. There is a close and continuous interaction between business and its environment, which is the economic space, the basis for the development of economic entities and the state as a whole, and determines the content and direction of possible actions of business structures. Study of the manifestation of the conditions and influence of business environment factors on the activities of economic entities, as well as the analysis of trends in business structures under the influence of environmental changes for maintaining effective functioning requires constant attention on a systematic basis. This primarily concerns trade and restaurant businesses operating within the consumer market as a structural component of business environment, the state of which is an important indicator of economic development. Study of the development trends in such segments of the consumer market as retail and restaurant business has demonstrated their significant dependence on the conditions and factors of business environment at all levels that emphasizes the importance of their study. Current state of these sectors of the economy has been significantly affected by the pandemic and the measures taken by public authorities to overcome them. Development under such conditions is characterized by negative trends, which are manifested in a decrease in revenue and increase in the level of losses in a significant number of business entities, exit from the market of some of its participants. This is especially noticeable in the restaurant business. At the same time, a number of business structures due to the competent consideration of the conditions and factors of business environment, prudent management tactics, organization and implementation of e-commerce, identification and use of all opportunities to ensure sustainable development. Negative trends are stipulated by the objective factors, lack of human and financial resources, and inability of managing some enterprises to respond in a timely manner to changes in the economic situation, and consumer behavior, which are active participants and factors of the microenvironment.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (32)

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