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dc.contributor.authorГросул, Виктория Анатольевна-
dc.contributor.authorДядюк, Марина Анатольевна-
dc.contributor.authorЗубков, Сергей Александрович-
dc.identifier.citationГросул В.А., Дядюк М.А., Зубков С.А. Предпринимательская среда в странах восточного партнерства: состояние и перспективы развития. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2018. Вип. 2(28). С. 172-184.-
dc.description.abstractПроведен анализ условий ведения бизнеса в странах Восточного партнерства по показателям рейтинга Doing Business 2018, определены направления трансформации бизнес-среды в Украине в сферах регистрации предприятий, получения разрешений на строительство, подключения к системе электроснабжения, регистрации собственности, получения кредитов, защиты миноритарных инвесторов, налогообложения, международной торговли, обеспечения исполнения контрактов, разрешения неплатежеспособности.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUkraine considers one of the main priorities of its development closer integration into the European social and economic and political space. In this respect, Eastern Partnership is one of the main projects of the European Union, the goal of which is developing the integration relations of the European Union with six countries of the former USSR: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Each of these countries is at different stage of integration with the EU, carries out transformations in various areas of activity, including entrepreneurial activity as one of the determining economic development of these countries. Studying the experience of transforming the business environment in the Eastern Partnership countries will allow Ukraine to determine the main vectors of transformation of the conditions for doing business with a view to harmonizing them with the European ones. The purpose of the research paper is identifying ways of improving the business environment in Ukraine on the base of the Eastern Partnership countries experience. The data of the project Doing Business 2018 were used as the basis for the study. Despite the fact that the Eastern Partnership project has been operating since 2008, Ukraine has the worst indices in creating favorable conditions for doing business compared to the countries of the European Union and the Eastern Partnership, including countries which don’t have the goal of joining the European Union, in particular Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus. Obviously, slow reforms reflect the current situation in the country: Ukraine does not occupy the last places among the countries of the Eastern Partnership only according to building permits and loans getting and taxation, but according to the other indices it shows the worst positions. Extremely low indices of Ukraine according to “Resolution of Insolvency” significantly influence on the rating position of the country. The low ratings of Ukraine on doing business restrain the attraction of foreign investments and postpone the prospect of Ukraine’s membership in the European Union. Favorable business environment will help to attract investment in various sectors of the economy, create jobs, increase employment and income levels of the population, and accelerate the rate of economic development in general.-
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectВосточное партнерство-
dc.subjectСхідне партнерство-
dc.subjectEuropean integration-
dc.subjectEastern Partnership-
dc.titleПредпринимательская среда в странах восточного партнерства: состояние и перспективы развитияuk_UA
dc.titleEnterpreneurship environment in the eastern partnership countries: state and prospects of development-
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (28)

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