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Title: Регенерація тканин у тварин за різних видів герніотомії
Other Titles: Animals tissue regeneration at different types of herniotomy
Authors: Сарбаш, Д. В.
Синяговська, К. А.
Анічін, А. М.
Keywords: грижі;герніотомія;післяопераційні рани;регенерація;запальна реакція;набряк;гіперемія;біль;ексудат;hernias;herniotomy;postoperative wounds;regeneration;inflammatory reaction;edema;hyperemia;pain;exudate
Issue Date: 20-May-2020
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Сарбаш Д. В., Синяговська К. А., Анічін А. М. Регенерація тканин у тварин за різних видів герніотомії. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2020. № 5. С. 158-163.
Series/Report no.: № 5;
Abstract: У статті наведені дані щодо аналізу стану м'яких тканин післяопераційних ран у різних видів тварин після герніотомії. На підставі клінічного дослідження за тваринами-гриженосіями та аналізу стану тканин встановлена закономірність розвитку ускладнень у післяопераційний період залежно від способу герніотомії.
The aim of the work was to determine the effect of different types of herniotomy on the regenerative processes in tissues in different animal species. The animals with complicated and uncomplicated hernias of different localization were material for the study. Pigs (n = 18), dogs (n = 11), horses (n = 12), cattle (n = 8) were investigated in the study. A herniotomy without opening the hernial sac was carried out according to the methods of Gutman, Goering-Sedamgrotsky and according to the method of Olivkov. A herniotomy with dissection of the serous-fascial sac was performed with fixed hernias with the development of adhesions, and a herniotomy with dissection of the hernial hole was performed with restrained hernias. Laporatomy wounds were closed with a reverse U-form loop-shaped suture. External seams were removed on 7–14–21days. During a clinical examination of postoperative wounds special attention was paid to the presence and degree of manifestation of the inflammatory reaction – the presence of edema, hyperemia, pain, increased local temperature, the presence of discharge from the wound cavity and their nature. All animals underwent herniotomy in various ways depending on the type of hernia complication. In all animal species operated without opening the hernial sac in the postoperative period, slight swelling, hyperemia, moderate pain, and increased local temperature were observed in the wound area. On days 4–5 there was a decrease in signs of inflammation – the edges of the wound were dry, without swelling. They were painless. Wounds were healed by primary intention. In animals with complicated hernias, which were operated on herniotomy with dissection of the hernial sac, severe edema, hyperemia, an increase in local temperature, and pain were observed. Signs of inflammation in some cases were up to 2-3 weeks. Regenerative processes in pigs which were operated without opening the hernial sac took 7,82 ± 0,2 days, and with complicated ones in 13,8 ± 0,4 days. In dogs tissue regeneration with uncomplicated hernias ended on 8,83 ± 0,8 days, and in complicated hernias – by 16,3 ± 0,9. In cattle it took 8,0 ± 0,2 days with uncomplicated hernias, and by 13,0 ± 0,3 days with complicated hernias. In horses regeneration took from 9,5 ± 0,2 days with uncomplicated hernias, and – to 18,3 ± 0,5 days with complicated hernias. It means that in herniotomy without opening the hernial sac the signs of tissue inflammation were more pronounced and long lasting.
Appears in Collections:№5

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