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dc.contributor.authorРибачук, Ж. В.-
dc.contributor.authorГалатюк, О. Є.-
dc.contributor.authorБегас, В. Л.-
dc.contributor.authorМоргун, С. В.-
dc.contributor.authorБездітко, Л. В.-
dc.identifier.citationАспекти ветеринарного благополуччя при вирощуванні великої рогатої худоби у Славутському районі Хмельницької області. Ж. В. Рибачук, О. Є. Галатюк, В. Л. Бегас, С. В. Моргун, Л. В. Бездітко. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2020. № 5. С. 143-150.
dc.description.abstractАвторами встановлено, що територія Славутського району є благополучною щодо сибірки та туберкульозу ВРХ, а лейкоз зареєстровано лише у тварин двох молочно-товарних ферм. Встановлено, що одночасне застосування хворим телятам із респіраторним синдромом ветеринарних препаратів «Енроксил 10%» та «Трифузол 1%» внутрішньом’язово, забезпечувало швидке клінічне одужання.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAn important role in ensuring the functioning of livestock farms is in favourable epizootic situation in Ukraine and in particular in the administrative region. Taken into account transport and trade relations in the modern world the epizootic situation in neighboring countries and in Ukraine experts in veterinary and humane medicine report concerning significant risks of the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases. Therefore, conducting epizootological monitoring of diseases will allow to detect and prevent the spread of animal diseases, including the cattle. The aim of the work was to describe the concepts of ensuring the veterinary well-being of livestock farms that are engaged in cattle breeding on the territory of Slavutsky district, Khmelnitsky region. The tasks of the research. 1. To analyze the specific prevention of infectious diseases of cattle in the service area of ​​the Slavutsk State Regional Hospital of Veterinary Medicine. To analyse the epizootic situation regarding anthrax, leukaemia, tuberculosis, leptospirosis and rabies of cattle in the farms of the administrative region. To study the clinical effect of the inclusion of the veterinary preparation “Trifuzol 1%” in the treatment for calves with respiratory syndrome. The material for the research was the result of an epizootic study and statistical data of Slavutsky regional state hospital of veterinary medicine. Epizootological, statistical and clinical research methods were used. It was determined by the authors that due to the regular immunization of cattle with a vaccine against anthrax from the strain “Sterne 34 F2” the territory of the administrative region was safe in relation to anthrax. In 2017 and 2018 specialists conducted the largest number of diagnostic studies, which indicated the process of increasing the number of cattle in farms. In 2016 and 2017 rabies of cattle was laboratory confirmed. Hereinafter, thanks to the systematic immunization with the rabies vaccine Rabistar (red) the well-being of the administrative district was achieved. In an allergic study of cattle for tuberculosis such animals were recorded in 2018 and 2019. In both cases within two days after detection the animals were sent for forced slaughter, but the diagnosis was not confirmed by bacteriological studies. Scientists have found that simultaneous intramuscular injection of the veterinary preparations Enroksil 10% (0.25 сm3 / 10 kg of animal body weight) and Trifuzol 1% (1 сm3/ 10 kg of body weight) into different injection points to calves with respiratory syndrome provided clinical recovery two times faster in comparison with the use of only one of the above-mentioned antibiotic.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 5;-
dc.subjectвелика рогата худобаuk_UA
dc.subjectепізоотологічний моніторингuk_UA
dc.subject«Трифузол 1%»uk_UA
dc.subjectepizootological monitoringuk_UA
dc.subject“Trifuzol 1%”uk_UA
dc.titleАспекти ветеринарного благополуччя при вирощуванні великої рогатої худоби у Славутському районі Хмельницької областіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe aspects of veterinary well-being in cattle breeding in Slavutsky district of Khmelnytsky regionuk_UA
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