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dc.contributor.authorНовицький, В. О.-
dc.contributor.authorСлюсаренко, Д. В.-
dc.identifier.citationНовицький В. О., Слюсаренко Д. В. Особливості діагностики та лікування нестабільності крижово-клубового суглобу у собак. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2020. № 5. С. 105-109.
dc.description.abstractНестабільність крижово-клубового суглобу є наслідком дії ряду етіологічних факторів та проявляється симптомокомплексом порушення функції опорно-рухового апарату. Перспективою досліджень цього патологічного стану є розробка комплексного методу лікування із застосуванням патогенетичних методів.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractTrauma of sacroiliac joint in dogs is often caused by consequences of pelvis and pelvic limb injuries. As a result, this case can go unnoticed while pet is being treated from more oblivious pathologies. According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that sacroiliac instability may appear as outcome of big specter of different etiological factors and have different clinical manifestations. Diagnosis of this pathology should be prioritized because of its significant extend in dogs and major decline of the animal's quality of life. Diagnosis of the specified pathology has to be approached complexly taking into account history data and manual research of the pathological site. With the help of X-ray diagnostics it is possible to determine normal and pathological mobility in the sacroiliac joint, which allows to combine radiological and biomechanical studies. There are also specialized ways to perform X-ray studies of this pathology, such as radiogrammetry of the pelvis. In addition, computer tomography is an informative method of research and gives a detailed analysis of ​​the tissue damage. Treatment has to be applied depending on combination of pelvic injuries, displacement direction of iliac bone, determination of the degree of instability, breed features, etc. Treatment can be made by surgical intervention or conservatively. Most effective treatment of sacro-iliac instability proves to be surgical fixation, but it is not always mandatory and sometimes impossible to execute. When a surgical treatment is planned, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the displacement of the ilium in relation to the sacral. The manual exposure of the bone reposition with their subsequent fixation will depend on it. Particular immobilization of the animal, analgesic and anti-inflammatory therapy can be used as methods of instability sacroilial joint treatment. The prospect of research into this pathological condition is the development of a comprehensive method of treatment using pathogenetic methods.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 5;-
dc.subjectкрижово-клубовий суглобuk_UA
dc.subjectsacroiliac jointuk_UA
dc.titleОсобливості діагностики та лікування нестабільності крижово-клубового суглобу у собакuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeDiagnostics and treatment instability of sacroiliac joint in dogsuk_UA
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