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Title: Технологія виробів м'ясних посічених з використанням термостабільної пружної емульсії на основі натрію альгінату: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. техн. наук: 05.18.16 - технологія харчової продукції
Other Titles: Технология изделий мясных рубленых с использованием термостабильной упругой эмульсии на основе натрия альгината
Technology of structured thermostable hard emulsions based on ion-tropic polysaccharides consisting of meat products shredded
Authors: Нечепуренко, Кристина Борисівна
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Пивоваров, Павло Петрович
metadata.dc.contributor.affiliation: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Keywords: термостабільна пружна емульсія;вироби посічені м’ясні;натрію альгінат;олія;кальцієвмісна сіль;структуроутворення;емульсієутворення;thermostable elastic emulsion;meat chopped products;sodium alginate;sunflower oil;calcium salt;structure formation;emulsion formation
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Харків
Citation: Нечепуренко К. Б. Технологія виробів м'ясних посічених з використанням термостабільної пружної емульсії на основі натрію альгінату: автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук: 05.18.16 - технологія харчової продукції; наук. кер. П. П. Пивоваров. Харків, 2018. 21 с.
Abstract: Дисертацію присвячено науковому обґрунтуванню та розробці технології виробів м’ясних посічених із використанням термостабільної пружної емульсії на основі натрію альгінату. Досліджено функціонально-технологічні, реологічні, термостійкі, фізико-хімічні, структурно-механічні, органолептичні та споживчі властивості, умови та терміни реалізації. Спрогнозовано та експериментально підтверджено, що використання у складі виробів м’ясних посічених структурованої термостабільної пружної емульсії дозволяє більш раціонально використовувати м’ясну сировину, покращити органолептичні показники виробів м’ясних посічених та харчову цінність за рахунок збагачення готової продукції поліненасиченими жирними кислотами. Розроблено і затверджено нормативну і технологічну документацію. Здійснено заходи з упровадження нової технології на підприємствах із виробництва м’ясної продукції, ресторанного господарства, подано дані щодо економічної ефективності від упровадження виробів м’ясних посічених із використанням термостабільної пружної емульсії на основі натрію альгінату у виробництво. Nechepurenko K.B. Technology of structured thermostable hard emulsions based on ion-tropic polysaccharides consisting of meat products shredded. – Manuscript. Thesis for Candidate’s degree of Тechnical Sciences by Specialty 05.18.16 – Technology of Food Production. – Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. Dissertation devoted to scientific substantiation and the development of technological parameters products and modes of production with chopped meat using elastic heat-stable emulsions of sodium alginate basis. For the first time, the technology of a thermostable elastic emulsion with the use of the "AlgNa–Ca2+–oil" system based on a controlled change in the phase state of ionotropic polysaccharides under the influence of technological factors and in the presence of calcium-containing salts has been substantiated scientifically and based on their use as part of the products of cut meat. Taking into account the functioning and development of technological systems "AlgNa–Ca2+–oil", the parameters of the thermostable elastic emulsion production technology have been scientifically substantiated; the technology of a thermostable elastic emulsion has been scientifically substantiated and developed on the basis of 1,5...2,0% solutions of alginates of a dispersion medium with an oil content of 20...30% mass. It is determined that in the range of 20…30% mass oil concentration, the semi-finished product of a thermostable elastic emulsion is characterized by a high kinetic resistance of 98…100%, a modulus of elasticity from 0,44 to 0,27 Pa•s, which ensures the stability of the technological process of their use in the composition of products cut meat. The regularities of the technological process of obtaining a thermostable elastic emulsion, depending on the composition and the ratio of the recipe components of the thermostable elastic emulsion (next THE), are established. It has been proved that the use of thermostable elastic emulsion of carrageenan at concentrations 0,5±0,05% of iota-carrageenan and 1,0±0,05% kappa-carrageenan results in an increase in fat content of up to 60% and provides the stability of the emulsion 100%. The points of inversion of phases of emulsions "a solution of sodium alginate–oil" from the concentration of sodium alginate are determined. It is proved that the maximum realization of the properties of sodium alginate as a medium for emulsification occurs at its concentration in the system within the limits of 1,0...2,5%. The maximum fat content is 57,5±5,0%. It was established that the introduction of 1,5% of alginate into the solution of carrageenan sodium leads to an increase in the emulsifying capacity to 60...65 reversed units. The cooled thermostable elastic emulsion at a temperature t=15±5°C after structuring is characterized by the properties of an elastic element. Absence is a fragility, is subjected to chopping without loss of water and oil. It is determined that chopping and grinding on meat grinders does not lead to the bundle of a thermostable elastic emulsion. It was established that with the introduction of 20% mass of a thermostable elastic emulsion with a fat content of 30% mass, the change in the total chemical composition of products of cut meat: the content of protein substances is reduced by 16,2...27,6%, the content of vegetable fats increases by 56,4±2,8%. With increasing dry matter content at (16,0...24,5)±0,8%, at the same time, water-binding increases by 17±1,0%, which determines the reduction of thermal losses during frying from 30±1,5 to 5±2,0%, improving the organoleptic characteristics of the products, especially juicy. Determination of the regularities of mass losses of a thermostable elastic emulsion under the influence of heat treatment. Comparison of the results of heat treatment of control samples and meat products cut with THE (20% by weight) and THE, structured directly in the products of meat cut (30% by weight), reliably confirms loss reduction from 28±3% by weight to 5±1% wt%. It is proved that the use of THE increases the juiciness of finished products and improves the organoleptic parameters in general. For the first time, the main technological characteristics of the products of cut meat with the use of thermostable elastic emulsion were determined and the regularities of the formation of their quality indicators were determined. The regularities of the formation of organoleptic, physics-chemical, technological and microbiological parameters of semi-finished thermostable elastic emulsion have been established, ways of using thermostable elastic emulsion in the technology of cut meat products have been determined. The creation of a concept for the production and use of thermostable elastic emulsions on the basis of ionotropic polysaccharides in the composition of cut meat products has been scientifically substantiated. The approbation of the technology of cut meat products using a thermostable elastic emulsion has been carried out at the enterprises of MPP "Kilina", PRAT "Complex Bezlyudovsky meat-packing plant". TI "Semi-finished meat and meat-vegetable cut with the use of thermostable elastic emulsion " was developed to DSTU 4437: 2005 "Semi-finished meat and meat-vegetable cut. Specifications". Technological cards for new products are developed. The results of the dissertation work are introduced into the educational process.
Appears in Collections:05.18.16 – Технологія продуктів харчування

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