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Title: | Технологія напівфабрикатів з сиру кисломолочного на основі молока з регульованим складом сольової системи: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. техн. наук: 05.18.16 - технологія харчової продукції |
Other Titles: | Технология полуфабрикатов из творога на основе молока с регулируемым составом солевой системы The technology of quark semi-finished products based on milk with regulated salt system ingredients |
Authors: | Тютюкова, Дар’я Олександрівна |
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: | Гринченко, Наталя Геннадіївна |
metadata.dc.contributor.affiliation: | Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі |
Keywords: | молоко знежирене;склад сольової системи;альгінат натрію;сир кисломолочний;кальцій;декальцифікація;напівфабрикати з емульсійною пастоподібною структурою;skimmed milk;salt system ingredients;sodium alginate;quarks;calcium;decalcification;semi-finished products with emulsion past-like structure |
Issue Date: | 2018 |
Publisher: | Харків |
Citation: | Тютюкова Д. О. Технологія напівфабрикатів з сиру кисломолочного на основі молока з регульованим складом сольової системи: автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук: 05.18.16 - технологія харчової продукції; наук. кер. Н. Г. Гринченко. Харків: ХДУХТ, 2018. 21 с. |
Abstract: | У дисертаційній роботі науково обґрунтовано технологію напівфабрикатів з сиру кисломолочного на основі молока з регульованим складом сольової системи. Установлено закономірності впливу складу сольової системи молока на формування органолептичних, фізичних, фізико-хімічних і структурно-механічних показників сиру кисломолочного як білкового коагуляту. Обґрунтовано технологічні параметри одержання стійких у часі емульсійних пастоподібних систем на основі сирно-молочних сумішей, технологічні властивості яких сформовано шляхом керованої зміни їх сольового складу. Науково обґрунтовано та розроблено технологію напівфабрикатів з сиру кисломолочного, досліджено її функціонування як технологічної системи. Одержано комплекс нових даних, що характеризують органолептичні, фізичні, фізико-хімічні, мікробіологічні та токсикологічні показники, харчову цінність нової продукції, науково обґрунтовано умови й строк зберігання. Розроблено та затверджено нормативну та технологічну документацію, здійснено впровадження нових технологій на підприємствах галузі, розраховано економічний ефект від упровадження. D.O. Tyutyukova The technology of quark semi-finished products based on milk with regulated salt system ingredients. – Manuscript. Thesis for Candidates degree of Technical Sciences by Specialty 05.18.16 – Technology of Food Products. – Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis provides evidence for the technology of quark semi-finished products based on skimmed milk with regulated salt system ingredients. The object of the research is the the technology of quark semi-finished products based on skimmed milk with regulated salt system ingredients. The subject of the research: milk, skimmed milk with regulated salt system ingredients (decalcified), decalcified skimmed milk-based quark, dairy quark mixes, quark semi-finished products, culinary and confectionary products based on quark semi-finished products. Research methods are analytical, physical, physical-chemical, microbiological, methods of systematic analysis, experiment planning. Academic originality of the research findings. Following theoretical and experimental research the evidence was provided for the technology of quark semi-finished products based on skimmed milk with regulated salt system ingredients, namely: for the first time: – finding the rules of regulated salt system milk impact on forming quark organoleptic, physical, physical-chemical and structural-mechanical indicators as a protein coagulate, which is the structural base of quark semi-finished products; – confirming technological parameters of producing stable emulsion paste-like systems based on quark-dairy mixes, whose technological properties are formed by changing their salt ingredients; – providing evidence and developing the technology of quark semi-finished products using system analysis methods, its functioning as a technological system was studied; – studying quark semi-finished products quality indicators comprehensively (organoleptic, physical-chemical, structural-mechanical, chemical composition) and safety (microbiological, toxicological), identifying their food and biological values were specified, the rules of their changes under the influence of technological factors and storage. The work further developed and summarized understanding of the calcium role in forming technological properties of quark and quark-based semi-finished products. The research dealt with the rules of the influence of the milk salt system on organoleptic, physical, physical-chemical and structural-mechanical indicators of quark as a protein coagulate. It was found out that provided rational decalcification parameters of skimmed milk (20…25 % to the original calcium content) protein coagulate output rises to 18,9±0,5% and moisture-keeping ability increases to 52,2±1,0% alongside simultaneous rise in the moisture content to 76,8±1,0%, lower protein content to 18,3±0,1% and average diameter of protein particles to 16,0±0,1 microns, which shows that the system acquires new technological properties. Evidence-based processing parameters of forming stable emulsion systems based on quark-dairy mixes of decalcified skimmed milk. It was established that provided a rational ratio of quark-decalcified skimmed milk being 90:10…70:30 the point of phase inversion is reached at fat capacity of 50…75 %; intact emulsion content varies from 79 to 92 %. Using system analysis methods, the recipe and the technological process flow for quark semi-finished products were scientifically confirmed and developed, the process functioning was studied as a technological system. The key new product quality and safety indicators were examined, the food value and changes under the influence of technological factors were singled out. Process guidelines (TU U 10.5-01566330-324:2017 “Quark semi-finished products”) and flow instructions (standard process procedures for quark semi-finished products) were developed and approved. They regulate new product technological process. The conditions and shelf life of the quark semi-finished products of up to 15 days at 0…6 °С and relative air humidity 75 % max in BIOGON NС 20 modified atmosphere were confirmed. Evidence-based guidelines on using quark semi-finished products in the culinary and confectionary products technology were developed. The semi-finished products with the ratio of quark – decalcified skimmed milk of 90:10…80:20 and the fat phase weight content 5…15 % are advised for the production of quark pies, puddings, pancakes, biscuits, cupcakes etc, with the ratio of 70:30 and the fat phase weight content 5…15 % –sauces, decorating semi-finished products. A range of organizational and technological activities were performed to introduce the new technology in the production and training. The evaluation of the potential of the scientific development proved a high level of its effectiveness and its compliance with the modern consumers’ demands. It was found out that the profit that the enterprise would receive provided the introduction of the new technology, will be 2,25…2,31 thousand UAH per 1000 kgs semi-finished products sold. Upon the results of the comparative analysis of the technological and consumer product advantages based on the quark semi-finished products it was concluded that the new products will be more valuable for the consumers of В2В and В2С market segments compared to the similar products. Calculated general indicators of technological and consumer advantages are 7,41…7,65 and 7,65…7,89 points, respectively, which reaches 82,4…87,6 % of the maximum possible score of the evaluation. |
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Appears in Collections: | 05.18.16 – Технологія продуктів харчування |
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