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Title: | Удосконалення технології мармеладу желейно-фруктового з використанням плодово-овочевих кріодобавок: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. техн. наук: 05.18.01 – технологія хлібопекарських продуктів, кондитерських виробів та харчових концентратів |
Other Titles: | Совершенствование технологии мармелада желейно- фруктового с использованием плодово-овощных криодобавок Improvement of jelly-fruit marmalade technology using fruit and vegetable cryoadditives |
Authors: | Шматченко, Наталя Василівна |
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: | Артамонова, Майя Володимирівна |
metadata.dc.contributor.affiliation: | Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі |
Keywords: | кріопаста;кріопорошок;кріодобавки;пектин;антиоксидантна ємність;біологічно активні речовини;мармелад;cryopaste;cryopowder;cryoadditives;pectin;antioxidant capacity;biologically active substances;marmalade |
Issue Date: | 2018 |
Publisher: | Харків |
Citation: | Шматченко Н. В. Удосконалення технології мармеладу желейно-фруктового з використанням плодово-овочевих кріодобавок: автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук: 05.18.01 – технологія хлібопекарських продуктів, кондитерських виробів та харчових концентратів; наук. кер. М. В. Артамонова. Харків, 2018. 21 с. |
Abstract: | Дисертацію присвячено науковому обґрунтуванню використання плодово-овочевих кріодобавок (кріопасти з айви, яблук, моркви, гарбуза, винограду та кріопорошки з шипшини, обліпихи та винограду) у технології мармеладу желейно-фруктового для підвищення його харчової цінності та розширення асортименту. Експериментально доведено, що використання плодово-овочевих кріодобавок приводить до одержання мармеладу з високими органолептичними показниками та підвищеною харчовою цінністю, а також фізико-хімічними та мікробіологічними показниками, що відповідають вимогам нормативної документації на цей вид продукції. Показано що нові види мармеладу мають значні антиоксидантні властивості протягом гарантованого терміну зберігання. На основі результатів експериментальних досліджень розроблено технологію й асортимент мармеладу, на які затверджено нормативну документацію. Технологію апробовано і впроваджено на кондитерських підприємствах та в навчальний процес ХДУХТ. Розраховано економічну ефективність від їх реалізації. Shmatchenko N. V. Improvement of jelly-fruit marmalade technology using fruit and vegetable cryoadditives. Manuscript. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialization 05.18.01 technology of bakery products, confectionery and food concentrates. Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. The dissertation is devoted to the scientific substantiation of the use of fruit and vegetable cryoadditives (cryopastes from quince, apples, carrots, pumpkins, grapes and cryopowders from roseship, sea buckthorn and grapes) in the technology of jelly-fruit marmalade to increase its nutritional value and expand the range. The dissertation presents the results of the analysis of the state of the production of marmalade products abroad and in Ukraine, examines the existing technologies of jelly products, the prospects for improving their quality and nutritional value. The prospects of using fruit and vegetable cryoadditives for improving the organoleptic properties and nutritional value of jelly-fruit marmalade on pectin are determined. The choice of fruit and vegetable raw materials of local varieties for cryopastes and cryopowders is theoretically grounded. The organoleptic, physicochemical indices of quality of fruit and vegetable raw materials, as well as cryopastes and cryopowders from it, were studied. The content of vitamin C, β-carotene, pectin, anthocyanin substances, content of macroelements in cryoadditives and their bromine antioxidant capacity have been investigated. Based on the data obtained, the expediency of using fruit and vegetable juices in marmalade technology to increase nutritional value and antioxidant properties was substantiated. On the basis of theoretical and experimental researches, an innovative design of jelly-fruit marmalade technology with the use of fruit and vegetable cryoadditives from quince, apples, carrots, pumpkins, grapes, roseship and sea buckthorn has been disclosed. The rational dosage, method and stages of the introduction of fruit and vegetable cryoadditives in the technology of jelly-fruit marmalade have been determined. Cryopastes were introduced in the amount of 1020%, cryopowders 1.5% of the total mass of the system at the end of the marmalade mass graft for more complete preservation of biologically active substances. The technology has been improved and 12 recipes of jelly-fruit marmalade on pectin with fruit and vegetable cryoadditives, which differ from the traditional reduced cost of gelling agent by 20%, citric acid by 5...40%, sugar - by 5% and with the complete exception of synthetic dyes and flavors. It is proved that due to the use of fruit and vegetable cryoadditives, the nutritional value of marmalade and its antioxidant capacity increases. Experimentally confirmed that 100 g of new products contain: vitamin C 20.8...29.5%, β-carotene 60.0...72.2%, pectin substances 24.2...124.0% and anthocyanins up to 19.1% relative to the daily human norm. The antioxidant capacity of the products is about 23.0...80.0 cl/100 g. Organoleptic, physicochemical, microbiological indices and bromine antioxidant capacity of jelly-fruit marmalade with fruit and vegetable cryoadditives during the storage period were studied. It has been established that all products meet the requirements of regulatory documents for a given type of product and can be recommended for consumption without risk to human health. During the period of storage, new species of marmalade with cryoadditives contain 1.5...53.0 times more vitamin C and 1.7 to 3.1 times pectin substances compared with control. The content of β-carotene in products from cryoadditives is 2.5...3.0 mg / 100 g, anthocyanins 2.0...12.2 mg / 100 g, and the antioxidant capacity remains at the level of 65...88 % of initial values. Based on the results of experimental studies, the technology and assortment of marmalade have been developed, which have been approved by normative documentation. The technology has been tested and implemented in the confectionery enterprises and in the educational process of the KHSUFTT. The basic economic indicators of the advanced technology are calculated and economic effect of its introduction into production is proved. Relatively low prices and improved quality of products in comparison with the analogues increase its consumer value and allow to get economic effect in the sphere of production from the increase of sales volume, profit and profitability. A complex of works on the implementation of research results has been completed. The TU U 10.8-01566330-314: 2016 "Marmalade-pastila products" was developed and approved. Specifications. Project". Improved technologies have been introduced into the activity of the confectionery enterprises of Ukraine: ATVO Konti (Donetsk), Candy Factory Confectionery Factory (Kharkiv), FOP Zhirko S.O. (Kharkiv) and Poland: Hotel and restaurant complex "Antek" Confectionery "Jaglo" (Zlinice), results of research in educational process HDUHT. |
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Appears in Collections: | 05.18.01 – Технологія хлібопекарських продуктів, кондитерських виробів та харчових концентратів |
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