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dc.contributor.authorСтепаненко, О. В.-
dc.contributor.authorПопов, Г. В.-
dc.identifier.citationСтепаненко О. В., Попов Г. В. К биологии преимагинальных стадий Merodon nigritarsis Rondani, 1845 (Diptera, Syrphidae). Известия Харьковского энтомологического общества. Т. 5, Вып 2. 1997. C. 40-43.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК 595.773.1-
dc.description.abstractThe article contains data on the immature stages biology of Merodon nigritarsis Rondani, 1845 (Diptera, Syrphidae). The biclogy of а species in nature and its rearing in laboratory, including behaviour of larvae, copulation, etc., are described. For conditions of the “Stone tombs” (Donetsk region, Ukraine) natural reserve, the food plant of this species is Hyacinthaelia pallasiana (Stev.) Losinsk. The female lay eggs into soil. First-instar larvae penetrate а bulb of Hyacinthaella pailasiana through а stem hole. Then they form а larval chamber in middle scales. Larvae are pure phytophagous with outer digestion, the elements of saprophagy are not found. A larva needs only one bulb for full development. Third-instar larva forms almost vertical larval passage to soil surface where it hibernates. Pupating of larvae takes place in spring. The species in its larval stages is аt least oligophagous.-
dc.publisherХарків: Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В. В. Докучаєваuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesИзвестия Харьковского энтомологического общества;Т. 5. Вып. 2-
dc.titleК биологии преимагинальных стадий Merodon nigritarsis Rondani, 1845 (Diptera, Syrphidae)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeOn the immature stages biclogy of Merodon nigritarsis Rondani, 1845 (Diptera, Syrphidae)-
Appears in Collections:Т. 5. Вип. 2

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