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Title: Чешуекрылые насекомые (Inseсta, Lepidoptera) в пределах Санкт-Петербурга
Other Titles: Butterflies and moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera) within the borders of St.-Petersburg
Authors: Львовский, А. Л.
Issue Date: 1994
Publisher: Харків: Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В. В. Докучаєва
Citation: Львовский А. Л. Чешуекрылые насекомые (Inseсta, Lepidoptera) в пределах Санкт-Петербурга. Известия Харьковского энтомологического общества. Т. 2, Вып 1. 1994. C. 5-48.
Series/Report no.: Известия Харьковского энтомологического общества;Т. 2. Вып. 1
Abstract: During the 14 years of observations (1976-1989) 580 sресіеs of buiterflies and moths were discovered within the limits of St.- Petersburg. This is somewhat more than 1/3 оf the total number of Lepidoptera species of the surrounding region. Six species have been found in the city which are not registerid in the region, they are: Ypsolopha chazariella Mn., Y. sarmaticella Rbl., Scythris sinensis Feld. et Rogen, Chrysoclista linneella Cl., Nephopterix lucipetella Jalava, Phyllonorycter cerrutiella Hartig. According to the quantity of individuals, 5 categories of species were distinguished: very rare (122 species), rare (217 species), not rare (127 species), common (77 species) and numerous (37 species). The last category of species forms the main body of the city fauna that managed to adapt itself well tо the life in the urban conditions. These are Fhyllonorycter populifoliella Tr., Batrachedra praeangusta Hw., Anacampsis populella Cl., Protocryptis sibiricella Flkv., Caloptilia syringella F. and others. The most numerous species is Phyllonorycter populifoliella Tr. There are 10 parks in the oity, but a great part of the oity species (430) was found not only in the parks. 1/5 of all the species discovered in the oity were bred from caterpillars. Having supposed that all the considered species develop within the limits об the oity, we register 54 polyphagous species, feeding both on trees and on herbaceous plants, 209 species are connected onl' with herbaceous plants, 281 species - only with trees and shrubbery plants, 12 species feed upon moss and lichens and 22 species are the vermins of food stocks and of ware made of fur and hair. The exploration of Lepidopterofauna of St.-Petersburg is far from accomplishment. Probably only 705 of the city species were discovered by now. The general list of species discovered in the city, with short data about the places and time of finds is given. We have to take into account that the fauna is changing and the present investigation thus acquires the historical shade, fixing the city fauna in а definite period of time.
Appears in Collections:Т. 2. Вип. 1

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