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dc.contributor.authorБирка, О. В.-
dc.contributor.authorЖигалова, О. Є.-
dc.contributor.authorЮрченко, В. В.-
dc.contributor.authorКущ, М. М.-
dc.identifier.citationМорфологічні особливості селезінки гусей. О. В. Бирка, О. Є. Жигалова, В. В. Юрченко, М. М. Кущ. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2020. № 5. С. 7-10.
dc.description.abstractВстановлено морфологічні особливості селезінки гусей 2-місячного віку великої сірої породи. Визначено компартменти білої пульпи селезінки, у складі яких були переважно периартеріальні і периеліпсоїдні лімфоїдні піхви. Лімфоїдні вузлики виявлено в кількості 6-8 на площі зрізу органу.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe spleen of 2-month-old clinically healthy geese of a large gray breed (n=5) has been studied. The material has been fixed in 10% aqueous solution of neutral formalin and embedded into paraffin. Serial histological sections have been stained with hematoxylin and eosin, fuchsin-aniline-blue-orange by Mallory, azur II - eosin. It has been established that the prevalent structures of the white pulp of the spleen of the 2-month-old geese are presented by periarterial and periellipsoid lymphoid sheaths. Periarterial lymphoid sheaths are detected as masses of lymphoid tissue around the pulpal arteries, most of which are oriented radially and form tree-like branches of the central arteries. The periellipsoid white pulp is represented by lymphoid sheaths along the penicillary capillaries. It occupies a significant area of white pulp and is light islets of mostly round and longitudinally convoluted form, which contain from 2 to 6 sections of penicillary capillaries, in places with their pronounced dichotomous branching. The periellipsoid white pulp in the spleen of birds is considered as the equivalent of the marginal zone of the lymphoid nodules of the mammalian spleen. Lymphoid nodules were detected in the amount of 6-8 in the area of the transverse section of the organ, namely, in the places of branching of the pulpal arteries into central ones. All compartments of the white pulp are connected with the arterial pulp channel. The architectonics of the pulpal part of the arterial bed on longitudinal sections of the spleen of geese has a pronounced main type of branching. 2-3 pulpal arteries depart from the trabecular artery, which are directed radially into the pulp, branching into the central arteries, and the latter into the penicillary capillaries. The mass of lymphoid tissue, concentrated around all the main branches of one pulpal artery, allows us to distinguish the morphofunctional units of the white pulp – segments, which indicates the segmental type of structure of the spleen parenchyma of geese. Parenchyma segments are surrounded by red pulp formed by pulpal cords with venous sinuses and pulpal veins.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 5;-
dc.subjectбіла пульпаuk_UA
dc.subjectпериартеріальні лімфоїдні піхвиuk_UA
dc.subjectпериеліпсоїдні лімфоїдні піхвиuk_UA
dc.subjectлімфоїдні вузликиuk_UA
dc.subjectwhite pulpuk_UA
dc.subjectperiarterial lymphoid sheathsuk_UA
dc.subjectperielipsoid lymphoid sheathsuk_UA
dc.subjectlymphoid nodulesuk_UA
dc.titleМорфологічні особливості селезінки гусейuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeMorphological features of the spleen of geusesuk_UA
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