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dc.contributor.authorШахбазов, В. Г.-
dc.contributor.authorАленіна, С. Б.-
dc.contributor.authorГоренська, О. В.-
dc.contributor.authorСаміло, С. М.-
dc.contributor.authorСтрашнюк, В. Ю.-
dc.identifier.citationШахбазов В. Г., Аленіна С. Б., Горенська О. В., Саміло С. М., Страшнюк В. Ю. Прояви ефекту гетерозису у Drosophila melanogaster по біоелектричних властивостях клітинних ядер. Известия Харьковского энтомологического общества. Т. 7, Вып. 1. 1999. C. 127-131.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractBioelectrical properties of cell nuclei in inbred lines and interdinear hybrids of Drosophila melanogaster (Mg.) have been investigated. By а method of intracellular microelectrophoresis, percentage of electronegative nuclei (ENN, %) in larvae and prepupae salivary glands was determined. The obtained results testify to the fact that heterosis hybrids of Drosophila melanogaster display higher ENN,%. Under unfavourable conditions, for example, action of heat shock, this parameter in hybrids decreased to a smaller extent than in the inbred lines. This proves that the effect of heterosis is accompanied by the best bioelectrical homeostasis of а cell nucleus. Exposure to He-Ne laser radiation (power density of 10 mWt/cm2) resulted in reduction of the ENN,% parameter at exposition of 1 min, and its increase at 5-min exposition. In heterosis hybrids, the tendency of ENN increase had а more steady character, which confirms their better ability to adapt. The bioelectrical properties of cell nuclei researched by us can be of interest also in connection with problems of mass insect reproduction, effectiveness of poisonous substances and 50 on.-
dc.relation.ispartofseriesИзвестия Харьковского энтомологического общества;Т. 7. Вып. 1-
dc.titleПрояви ефекту гетерозису у Drosophila melanogaster по біоелектричних властивостях клітинних ядерuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeHeterosis effect results in Drosophila melanogaster displayed in bioelectrical properties of cell nuclei-
Appears in Collections:Т. 7, Вип. 1

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