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dc.contributor.authorУткіна, В. О.-
dc.contributor.authorСтепченко, Л. М.-
dc.identifier.citationУткіна В. О., Степченко Л. М. Динаміка росту та розвитку молодняка кролів м’ясної породи hyplus за впливу кормової добавки «Гумілід». Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2020. № 6. С. 96-101.
dc.description.abstractВ статті наведенні дані щодо особливостей росту та розвитку молодняку кролів м’ясної породи hyplus від періоду відлучення до забійного віку за умов введення до основного раціону біологічно активної кормової добавки гумінової природи. Додавання «Гуміліду» до основного раціону у дослідній групі покращує обміні процеси, сприяє більш високій стресостійкості та кращій адаптації – це проявляється в більш активній динаміці росту та розвитку маси тіла та не викликає токсичної дії, що відображається на масі та індексі маси внутрішніх органів молодняку кролів, які знаходяться в межах вікових змін.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe research objective is to establish Hyplus meat breed of young rabbits and to determine growth and development characteristics during the period from weaning to slaughter age under conditions of the biologically active feed additive of humic nature «Humilid» introducted into their general diet. The control and experimental groups of animals were formed according to the principle of similar groups. Experiment study lasted for 35 days, including 7 days preparatory period, 21 days research period and 7 days aftereffect period. The young rabbits of the control and experimental groups were fed with the main diet, which included compound feed with an individual calculation of nutrients per animal. The young rabbits of the experimental group were additionally injected with a biologically active feed additive «Humilid» in the form of an aqueous solution in an amount of 5 mg/kg of body weight according to the active substance to the main diet for 21 days. During the experiment, the effect of «Humilid» on the growth and development of young rabbits and their physiological state was studied. The weighing of young rabbits in the experimental groups was carried out once a week. At the same time, their body weight was determined on average and average daily growth, the safety of the livestock, in addition, the weight and mass index of the liver, heart and kidneys after slaughter by the calculation method. With the introduction of the feed additive «Humilid» to young rabbits, an increase in the body weight of the animals is observed throughout the experiment. The body weight on average of young animals of the experimental group exceeded this indicator in comparison with animals in the control group by 17.2 % (p˂0.001). Under the conditions of the introduction of the biologically active feed additive «Humilid» over the period of the experiment, the average daily weight gain of young rabbits in the experimental group was higher by 20.7 % (p˂0.01) compared to this indicator in the animals of the control group, respectively. The safety of the livestock was 100% in both groups. However, it should be noted that young rabbits of the control group had more pronounced motor activity and signs of anxiety than the animals of the experimental group, which obtained the feed additive of humic nature «Humilid». When «Humilid» was used in the diet, the mass of organs and the index of their development in young rabbits in the experimental and control groups of animals were within the range of age-related changes, which indicates the non-toxic effect of this additive.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 6;-
dc.subjectмолодняк кролівuk_UA
dc.subjectyoung rabbitsuk_UA
dc.titleДинаміка росту та розвитку молодняка кролів м’ясної породи hyplus за впливу кормової добавки «Гумілід»uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeGrowth and development dynamics of Hyplus meat breed of young rabbits under the influence of «Humilid» feed additiveuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№6

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