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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorПлотнікова, М.Ф.-
dc.identifier.citationПлотнікова М.Ф. Моделювання багатофункціонального розвитку сільських територій в умовах глобалізації та децентралізації владних повноважень. 2017. № 3. С. 95-!05uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК 331.101.262-
dc.description.abstractЗапропоновано механізм стабілізації, інноваційного розвитку сільських територій в умовах децентралізації владних повноважень та формування об’єднаних територіальних громад. Визначено перспективні напрями формування інтегрованих соціально-екологічних систем на засадах державно-приватного партнерства з метою кращого задоволення інтересів населення та держави. Окреслено складові моделі суспільно-економічної інтеграції в природне середовище, що забезпечує нарощування потенціалу території.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractGlobalization of world social-economic system sets demands of completely new ways of development of territorial unities. There is a systemic need for invention of structural mechanisms to improve the process of public-private partnership at all levels both in sectoral and territorial approach and with a view to social and environmental transformation of the national and world economy, the economic mechanism of agro-industrial sectors and territories with the rural way of life in the context of the system of socio economic development, as well as the support of the driving forces of such systems. The article describes the mechanism of stabilization and innovative rural development in the conditions of powers and formation decentralization of united territorial communities. It also represents promising directions for the integrated socio-ecological systems formation on the principles of public-private partnership in order to better meet the interests of the population and the state. The paper includes information on the components of the socio-economic integration model on nature, which provides an increase in the natural potential of the territory. It also reveals the essence of the principles of rural development from the perspective of sustainability and self-reliance activities in the territories. The author outlined the problems and priorities of socio-economic growth through the mechanism of innovation. The article discussed the practice and prospects of introducing the idea of "Family homestead". It evaluates the consequences of implementing the idea of "Family homestead" in rural areas from the position of system-synergetic approach in management. Family homestead movement is developing in Ukrainian for more than 15 years. Family homestead – is perfection of the dwelling land in its broadest sense. It is a philosophy of life, aimed at fostering a strong family as a basis for a prosperous state on 1 hectare of land. Family plans and implements their own space for life and love on a plot of land for family homestead. A family builds a house, plants a garden, vegetable garden, pond, live fence around the perimeter of the site. People without state support buy abandoned, vacant plots on one hectare of land, organize the settlement, in which carry power lines, building roads at their own expense. Children are born, improving the nation's gene pool, solved many social problems. In a joint action together with the government could be millions of family homesteads. And this is the solution of the food problem, demographic explosion, social calmness and significant scientific progress. On a national scale, according to many scientists, familiar with the idea firsthand, the creation of family homesteads will lead to following favorable changes: 1) Fast recovery of soil fertility will happen in the family homesteads and settlements. There will be a safe environment for human habitation. Healthy, organic food will be available in the near future; 2) The nation's health will start to improve. Thanks to self-confidence will increase the birth rate in the future; 3) The problem of housing in the cities will be weakened. The decrease in the concentration of people in cities will solve the problem of overpopulation of large cities; 4) Will start the revival of the village. Economic boom will take place, especially in building industry; 5) The self-sufficiency of the family with the food will reduce the problems of social security: pensions, unemployment and child benefits and so on; 6) The problem of ecology will be solved. The solution of environmental problems will contribute to the development of tourism at the state level, especially the development of ecotourism. Interest will increase to unprecedented scale, because a new way of life will attract a lot of tourists. Income-generating hotels, recreation centers, sanatoria can be built near the settlements. Activities of ancestral settlements, as like-minded groups which provide the existence and development of the surrounding area, locally solve the global problems of mankind. This experience allows forming terms of food and economic security, in particular providing people with quality, ecologically safe food, including for the purpose of sale. Territorial communities are their mechanisms, and main producers and service providers - service cooperatives, meeting the needs of the residents is carried out on the basis of consumer unions. At the same time, the impossibility of organizing a closed ecosystem at the site of at least 1 ha determine the need to increase the area, for example backyard or residential area to the appropriate area, which is envisaged in the draft Law of Ukraine ‘On Ancestral Estates and Ancestral Settlements’, designed by the Institute of Agrarian Economy UAAS, together with the NGO ‘People's Movement of the Earth's protection’.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарків: Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В.В. Докучаєваuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesЕкономічні науки;№ 3-
dc.subjectбагатофункціональний інноваційний розвиток, сільські території, родові поселення, продовольча безпека, економічна стійкість.uk_UA
dc.subjectmultifunctional innovation development, rural territories, clan settlements, food security, economic stability.uk_UA
dc.subjectмногофункциональное инновационное развитие, сельские территории, родовые поселения, продовольственная безопасность, экономическая устойчивостьuk_UA
dc.titleМоделювання багатофункціонального розвитку сільських територій в умовах глобалізації та децентралізації владних повноваженьuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeEcological and social systems development modeling in the context of globalizationuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeМоделирование развития эколого - социальных систем в условиях глобализации и децентрализацииuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія "Економічні науки" № 3

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