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Title: Формування системи адаптивного інноваційного управління розвитком підприємств готельно-ресторанного господарства
Formation of the system of adaptive innovative management through the development of hotel and restaurant enterprises
Authors: Давидова, Оксана Юріївна
Keywords: адаптація;адаптивне інноваційне управління;розвиток;підприємство;готельно-ресторанне господарство;адаптация;адаптивное инновационное управление;развитие;предприятие;гостинично-ресторанное хозяйство;adaptation;adaptive innovative management;development;enterprise;hotel and restaurant industry
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Давидова О.Ю. Формування системи адаптивного інноваційного управління розвитком підприємств готельно-ресторанного господарства. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2019. Вип. 1(29). С. 195-207.
Abstract: Проведено аналіз економічної сутності поняття «адаптивне управління». Виділено основні напрями адаптації з позицій системного, ситуаційного й процесного підходів та охарактеризовано основні її елементи. Сформовано систему адаптивного інноваційного управління розвитком підприємств готельно-ресторанного господарства. Доведено, що адаптивне інноваційне управління розвитком підприємств готельно-ресторанного господарства дозволить реалізувати внутрішні резерви, діяти ефективніше, виходити на світові ринки та забезпечувати підприємству сильні конкурентні позиції.
Economic essence of the "adaptive management" concept is analyzed. It is determined that the driving force of transformations within the enterprise is innovative management of the development of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry, whose effectiveness is determined by the nature of changes in the environment, the creative abilities of the enterprise to adequately perceive these processes and rebuild according to objective laws. The main directions of adaptation from the standpoint of system, situational and process approaches are highlighted, and its main elements are presented. The system of adaptive innovative management of the development of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry has been formed. It is proved that adaptation of enterprises is a natural process of the economy evolution. It is found that adaptation of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry means qualitative change of technology applied in the direction of the organization of manufacturing and forms of interaction with the external environment, i.e., it requires creative, well-grounded approaches to solving economic problems and application of managerial-technological, investment and search operations. Implementation of innovative management of the development of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry requires innovative preparation of manufacture, which will allow the company to adapt to unpredictable requirements and changes in the environment, improve its competitiveness. Adaptive management of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry is to be considered as a set of targeted and consistent actions to preserve and achieve optimal state of the company's business, taking into account unpredictable changes in the environment by changing the directions of its functioning, transformation of its activity, increase of flexibility, adaptability, etc. Adaptive innovation management is management based on the dialogic adaptation and co-operation of controlling and controlled subsystems. It causes openness of interaction and is realized in the conditions of uncertainty that requires additional orientation. It is a process of mutual influence that causes the interdependence of the behavior of subjects of activity on dialogical basis, which is ensured by a common definition of a realistic goal with the subsequent combination of effort and self-direction of action for its achievement. It is found that adaptive innovative management of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry lies in the definition and use of internal capacity and requires the definition of internal reserves’ classification. Adaptive management of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry is aimed at the selection of the most effective innovative directions of scientific and technological progress, development of innovative products and services, their improvement, introduction of creative methods of organization and management. Adaptive innovative management of the development of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry will allow to realize internal reserves, to operate more efficiently, to enter the world markets and to provide the company with strong competitive positions.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (29)

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