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dc.contributor.authorPavlyuk, Raisa-
dc.contributor.authorPogarska, Viktoriya-
dc.contributor.authorRadchenko, Ludmila-
dc.contributor.authorTauber, David Roman-
dc.contributor.authorTimofeyeva, Nadiya-
dc.contributor.authorKotuyk, Тatyana-
dc.identifier.citationPavlyuk R., Pogarska V., Radchenko L., Tauber D. R., Timofeyeva N., Kotuyk Т. The new method of processing of carotene-containing vegetables for the production of nanoproducts using combi-steamers and fine-dispersed comminution. Eureka: Life Sciences. 2016. № 3. P. 44-50. DOI: 10.21303/2504-5695.2016.00146.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the work is elaboration of the principally new method of deep processing of carotene-containing vegetables (CCV). For attaining this aim was used the complex effect of steam-thermal processing and fine-dispersed comminution for preservation and extraction of biologically active substances from the raw material and getting products of nanosized form. There was also used the new generation of equipment: combi-steamer and dine-dispersed comminutor.There was elaborated the new method of deep processing, alternative to cryogenic one. This method is based on the complex effect of steam-thermal processing and fine-disperse comminution using the modern equipment (combi-steamer and fine-dispersed comminutor) that is used at enterprises of restaurant business. This method allows use biological potential of the raw material more fully (2…3 times more) and get the foodstuff in nanoform.It was shown, that at steam-thermal processing of vegetables (carrot, pumpkin) in combi-steam antioxidant enzymatic processes flow with less intensity (3…4 times less) than at blanching. It was established, that at the steam-thermal processing in combi-steamer in 10 minutes in carotene-containing vegetables takes place not only conservation of β-carotene but also increase of its mass fraction in 2…2,5 times (comparing with initial raw material). Mechanism of this process is connected with fact that carotenoids are transformed from the hidden state (frms associated with biopolymers) into free form that is fixed by chemical methods. It was also established, that after steam-thermal processing and fine-dispersed comminution of carotene-containing vegetables at preparation of puree takes place the significant increase of extraction of ascorbic acid and β-carotene comparing with initial raw material that is for pumpkin 2 and 3 times more and for carrot 1,7 and 2,5 times more, respectively.It was established, that complex use of the new equipment at steam-thermal processing of vegetable raw material in combi-steamer with fine-dispersed comminution gives a possibility to get puree, which quality is approximated to the one of puree, re ceived using cryogenic processing of product (especially, by the content of β-carotene and other biologically active substances (BAS).uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEureka: Life Sciences;№ 3-
dc.subjectcarotene-containing vegetablesuk_UA
dc.subjectsteam-thermal processinguk_UA
dc.subjectfine-dispersed comminutionuk_UA
dc.subjectproducts in nanoformuk_UA
dc.titleThe new method of processing of carotene-containing vegetables for the production of nanoproducts using combi-steamers and fine-dispersed comminutionuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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