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dc.contributor.authorЦеренюк, О. М.-
dc.contributor.authorЦеренюк, М. В.-
dc.contributor.authorЧалий, О. І.-
dc.contributor.authorЧалая, О. С.-
dc.identifier.citationВплив кратності осіменіння свиноматок на співвідношення статі поросят в гніздах. О. М. Церенюк, М. В. Церенюк, О. І. Чалий, О. С. Чалая. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 1. С. 145-147.
dc.description.abstractВ статті проведено оцінку співвідношення статей в гніздах поросят свиноматок за різної кратності їх осіменіння (від однократного до чотирикратного). Співвідношення статей в гніздах поросят враховували при народженні. На підставі абсолютних показників розраховували відсоток свинок та кнурців і відношення кнурців до свинок (К/С). В результаті оцінки співвідношення статей в гніздах поросят встановлено, що за однократного та двократного осіменіння співвідношення статей було на одному рівні з незначною перевагою в бік більшої кількості свинок.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article highlights the piglets litters sex ratio of sows is estimation at different multiplicities of insemination (from single to quadruple). The piglets litters sex ratio was account at birth. Based on the absolute indicators, the percentage of male and female piglets was calculated, as well as the ratio of boars to gilts (B/G). In previous studies, we found the effectiveness of quadruple aий nd triple artificial insemination of sows in the estrus period compared to single insemination with the maximum values of sows prolificacy – 12.96 and 12.93 piglets per farrow (p <0.01 to the once inseminated sows group). The largest values of the litter weight at birth were obtained by quadruple and triple sows insemination (p <0.01 to the once inseminated sows group). The largest values of the litter weight at weaning were also obtained with quadruple and triple sows insemination. At the same time, the increasing negative effect of sows prolificacy to the piglets survival to weaning was found. As a result of the piglets litters sex ratio of sows estimation in the sows litters, it was established that, with the single and double insemination the sex ratio was at the same level with a slight advantage towards a larger number of gilts. At triple and quadruple insemination, the sows prolificacy increased significantly, and there was the sex ratio displacement. If in single and double insemination the difference between gilts and boars was 0.30 and 0.38 % in favor of gilts, respectively, then in triple and quadruple insemination, is conversely – 5.80 and 6.06 % in favor of boars, respectively. In this case, the largest number of gilts in the litters was at the double insemination (50.19 %). The highest number of boars was at quadruple inseminations (53.03 %). Thus, it is impossible to talk about the complete relationship between gilts and boars from the sows prolificacy, with considering the fact that this index increased when the multiplicity of insemination was increased. Similar to the obtained data on the percentage of gilts and boars, boars and gilts ratio the calculation allocated single and double insemination as compared to triple and quadruple insemination. In this case at single and double insemination no differences were found between gilts and boars. The highest ratio of boars to gilts was found at quadruple inseminations (1.13 points). The ratio of boars to gilts was large by 0.13 points (at triple insemination) and by 0.14 points (at quadruple inseminations) compared with single (and double) insemination. Accordingly, at single and double sows insemination the ratio of boars to gilts in the litter was closer to uniform. Here was the sex ratio displacement in favor of boars At triple and quadruple insemination at prolificacy increasing.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 1;-
dc.subjectвідтворна здатністьuk_UA
dc.subjectштучне осіменінняuk_UA
dc.subjectкратність осіменінняuk_UA
dc.subjectспіввідношення статейuk_UA
dc.subjectpig breedinguk_UA
dc.subjectreproductive capacityuk_UA
dc.subjectartificial inseminationuk_UA
dc.subjectmultiplicity of inseminationuk_UA
dc.subjectsex ratiouk_UA
dc.titleВплив кратності осіменіння свиноматок на співвідношення статі поросят в гніздахuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe influence of multiplicity of insemination of sows on the ratio of piglet genders in the nestsuk_UA
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