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Title: Холецистит у собаки (Діагностика. Клінічний випадок з практики)
Other Titles: Cholecystitis of dogs (Diagnosis. Clinical case from practice)
Authors: Бутко, К. О.
Канівець, Н. С.
Бурда, Т. Л.
Хоменко, А. М.
Keywords: жовчний міхур;запалення;ультрасонографія;кров;жовч;gallbladder;inflammation;ultrasonography;blood;bile
Issue Date: 15-Nov-2020
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Холецистит у собаки (Діагностика. Клінічний випадок з практики). К. О. Бутко, Н. С. Канівець, Т. Л. Бурда, А. М. Хоменко. Ветеринрія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2020. № 6. С. 18-22.
Series/Report no.: № 6;
Abstract: Об’єктом дослідження була собака. Метою досліджень став клінічний випадок холециститу у собаки породи йоркширський тер’єр віком п’ять років. У результаті проведення діагностики хворої тварини використовували загальноприйняті методи, лабораторні та ультасонографію. Встановили гіпертермію, болючість черева за пальпації, лейкоцитоз зі зрушенням нейтрофільного ядра вліво, білірубінемію та гіперферментемію (АлАТ, АсАТ, ЛФ, альфа-амілази).
Cholecystitis at the current stage of clinical veterinary development attracts attention among specialists. The development methods of early diagnosis, expanding the knowledge of veterinarians and increasing the number of animals` diseases with suspected cholecystitis require detailed discussion and analysis. The article presents the results of the diagnosis of dogs with cholecystitis, which became a purpose of research. To achieve the purpose, we have performed the following tasks: analysis of the causes of cholecystitis and the use the various methods of diagnosing a disease. The scheme of diagnosis included: medical history, application of general research methods, laboratory blood tests and special methods (ultrasonography of the liver and gallbladder). We found that the reason for the development of cholecystitis of dogs was the presence of inappropriate food in their diet (sweets, pork and milk). Clinically the disease is manifested by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (anorexia, alternating diarrhea, vomiting, faecal discoloration), hyperthermia (39.6 ° C), pale mucous membranes, dry skin, dull fur, depression of the animals` general condition, abdominal pain on palpation. There is a note that the dog bends its back up while lying down. In the blood there is an increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate, oligocythemia, leukocytosis with a shift of the neutrophil nucleus to the left. Biochemical studies showed an increase in bilirubin to 11.4 μmol / l, increased activity of enzymes, in particular aminotransferases (ALT and AST), alkaline phosphatase, confirming the cytolysis of hepatocytes and cholestasis. At the same time, there is a doubling of alpha-amylase activity and it is characteristic for pathological processes in pancreas. Ultrasonographically cholecystitis of dogs was characterized by thickening of the gallbladder walls in the form of hyperechoic nodules (folding of the mucous membrane) and there was an increase in its volume. In the lumen flake-like hyperechoic sediment was observed, which moved freely along the wall of the gallbladder.
Appears in Collections:№6

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