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dc.contributor.authorNikiforova, О. V.-
dc.contributor.authorMazanny, O. V.-
dc.contributor.authorFedorova, O. V.-
dc.identifier.citationWorkbook for laboratory classes of educational discipline «Veterinary Parasitology» for students of IV-V years of second master's level in speciality 211 – Veterinary medicine. /О.V. Nikiforova, O.V. Mazanny, O.V. Fedorova. Kh., 2022. Part ІII. 81 p.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractBasic foundation of Veterinary Nematodology and Acarology and Entomology have been stated. The data on the morphology and biology of agents of invasive disease of ruminants, horses, pigs, carnivorous, rabbits, birds and bees have mentioned. For training at higher educational institutions III-IV accreditation level on the specialty 211 – «Veterinary medicine”.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарків: ДБТУuk_UA
dc.titleWorkbook for laboratory classes of educational discipline «Veterinary Parasitology»uk_UA
dc.typeWorking Paperuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Робочі зошити

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