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dc.contributor.authorЯценко, Іван Володимирович-
dc.contributor.authorКазанцев, Роман Геннадійович-
dc.identifier.citationЯценко І. В., Казанцев Р. Г. Порядок проведення судово-ветеринарної експертизи трупів тварин в секційній залі спеціалізованої експертної установи. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2021. № 7. С. 179-191.
dc.description.abstractВ роботі сформульовано порядок проведення судово-ветеринарної експертизи трупа тварини. Показано, що судово-ветеринарна експертиза трупа тварини проводиться експертом шляхом його судово-ветеринарного дослідження у такій послідовності: ознайомлення з процесуальним документом про призначення експертизи та з іншими доданими до нього матеріалами (копією протоколу огляду місця події, історією хвороби тощо); складання плану проведення експертизи; зовнішнє та внутрішнє дослідження трупа, вилучення органів та тканин для лабораторних досліджень; комплексна оцінка результатів дослідження трупа на підставі отриманих лабораторних даних, наданих матеріалів справи та ветеринарної документації; складання підсумків з відповідями на питання, що були поставлені на вирішення експерта; оформлення висновку експерта. Доведено, що розроблений порядок проведення судово-ветеринарної експертизи трупів тварин здатний позитивно вплинути на ефективність проведення і результативність судово-ветеринарної експертизи, надання обґрунтованого й об’єктивного висновку в категоричній формі щодо причин смерті тварини.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article formulates a conducting of an animal’s corpse forensic veterinary examination. It is shown, that an animal corpse forensic veterinary examination is carried out by an expert through its forensic veterinary study in the following sequence: familiarization with the appointment of the examination procedural document and with other materials attached to it (a copy of the accident scene inspection protocol, disease history, etc.); planning of the examination; external and internal corpse examination, organs and tissues reserving for laboratory research; comprehensive assessment of the corpse examination results, basis of the obtained laboratory data, the provided case materials and the veterinary documentation; planning the results with answers to the questions that were put to the expert’s permission; the forming of expert’s conclusion. The subjects of animal corpses forensic veterinary examination are veterinarians who have higher veterinary education. They have been trained in forensic veterinary examination in the expert specialty 18.1 “Veterinary research” and have a forensic veterinary expert qualification. In the absence of such expert, a forensic veterinary examination can be carried out by any veterinarians, as well as by forensic veterinary medicine teachers of higher education institutions departments (courses), who are competent in this veterinary activity field. The forensic veterinary examination objects are the corpses (corpse fragments) of animals with violent, sudden or under unclear circumstance death, including victims of ill-treatment and the homeless animal corpses. Most often an animal’s corpse forensic veterinary examination is performed in the expert institution dissecting room. Responsibility for the animal’s corpse delivery to the dissecting room is assigned to the person, who is appointed for this examination. The animal’s corpse postmortem changes, which are associated with the decomposition development, the impact of other environmental factors cannot be refusal grounds for accepting the animal corpse in the dissecting room and to perform a forensic veterinary examination. In case of an animal death as a result of veterinary care improper provision, which was manifested in the anatomical integrity of tissues, organs or individual parts of the body disorder, and their functions disturbance, as a result of which death occurred, an animal’s corpse forensic veterinary examination is carried out by at least two people expert commission. The corpse examination can be initiated only after early cadaveric attribute manifestation (cooling, cadaveric spot, rigor mortis). The occurrence of the animal death and the occurrence of life-threatening conditions must be in a causal relationship with the dangers to its life harm health infliction, and such a relationship cannot be accidental. After examination dismembered corpses parts should be stored in a sealed glass or metal container with a 10% formalin solution or in Ratnevsky liquid. After the animal’s corpse forensic veterinary examination, it is placed in a cadaver storage facility until the issue of subsequent actions with it is resolved – cremation or return to the authorized person. If during an animal’s corpse forensic veterinary examination a different injuries origin was identified, an expert determines which injury instrument could have caused each of them. If the damage has a different prescription, an expert indicates the frequency, non-timing and sequence of the application, indicates the timing of causing each of the damage, sets the severity of them. All received information in the expert opinion or in the conclusion of the expert study should be described. The conclusions of the expert opinion should be an objective animal’s corpse forensic veterinary examination analysis. It must be detailed and scientifically sound. It is proved, that the developed procedure of animal corpses forensic veterinary examination conducting can have a positive effectiveness and forensic veterinary examination efficiency, providing a reasonable and objective in a categorical form concerning the animal death causes conclusion.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 7;-
dc.subjectсудово-ветеринарна експертизаuk_UA
dc.subjectтруп твариниuk_UA
dc.subjectпорядок проведення експертизиuk_UA
dc.subjectсудово-ветеринарний розтинuk_UA
dc.subjectforensic veterinary examinationuk_UA
dc.subjectanimal carcassuk_UA
dc.subjectexamination procedure conductinguk_UA
dc.subjectforensic veterinary autopsyuk_UA
dc.titleПорядок проведення судово-ветеринарної експертизи трупів тварин в секційній залі спеціалізованої експертної установиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe procedure of conducting an animal’s corpse forensic veterinary examination in the dissecting room of specialized expert institutionuk_UA
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